Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

Darn. I missed it all.

This person probably does this kind of stuff all over the internet. It goes beyond being bored, it’s a character flaw imo.

You have pretty good word we cannot say radar, lol.


True. We’re not going to allow someone to come on this thread and spout a lot of misinformation.


There are no words I can type on here about people doing things like this:

A man was targeted with hundreds of abusive messages after being featured in a year-end BBC News report. The source? Anti-vaccine activists who falsely believed he was a so-called “crisis actor” pretending to be sick with Covid-19.

Makes our repeat offenders look like amateurs. I guess it matches those we saw writing the nasty comments about those who died from Covid.

There are so many things one could be doing with their lives and they get their jollies out of that? It almost makes me feel sorry for them - they can’t find something better - they’re missing out on so much of real life.

These are extremely nasty people who enjoy causing suffering to others, BUT also want to feel that they are in fact “good” people who are providing benefit to humanity.

These are the type of people who, in the past, would have sneaked around the village, trying to find neighbors who they could accuse of witchcraft, and then would happily participate in the torture and execution of any “witches” they would “find”. Then they would go home, fully believing that they have done good for humanity. Since they can no longer do that, they instead look for people who they can accuse of being “crisis actors”, and torment them. The more the person who they accuse has suffered, the more these creeps enjoy tormenting them.

These are the sociopaths who would torment the parents of the Sandy Hook kids who were murdered. In fact, I am sure that many of the COVID deniers who sent abusive messages to that person in the story, likely sent abusive messages to Sandy Hook parents and to the teen survivors of the Stoneman Douglas massacre.

It takes a certain type of messed up mind to believe that all of these people are crisis actors, but if you have been taught that the “enemy” (AKA “Libs”) are capable of anything, and have a somewhat twisted mind, you can conceive of others doing stuff which you had thought of (but likely would not do).

However, it does take a sociopath to take that next step of sending abusive messages.

On the other hand, the people who make up the stories that these are crisis actors (people like Alex Jones) are not sociopaths, but true psychopaths.


Just got word from my SIL that her brother in-law just died from Covid.
69 years old, no pre existing conditions.
Met him once a few years ago - very personable, fun man.
Just senseless.

I don’t know if they’re so shallow minded that they truly believe it - probably some do - or if they’re just the “mean kids,” enjoying tormenting whoever they can simply because they can. It gives them some sort of power trip I guess.

New Hampshire (?) couple in their seventies died of COVID within seconds of each other, holding hands. Boston press covered it as a sweet story, which it was, but buried in the story is that neither one was vaccinated.

Along with sadness I also felt anger—it didn’t have to necessarily happen!! Even their daughter, who says she will NOW get vaccinated herself. It took losing both parents to get her to say that?

Sad, and infuriating.


The crazy state rep in Maine is STILL posting anti-vax nonsense even after his wife passed away, unvaccinated, from COVID. I don’t understand why he doesn’t just stay quiet. I keep looking at his Facebook page. The irrationality boggles my mind.


Funny I read that article and I must have missed the details of them not being vaccinated. I will never understand why people are not taking this seriously. An acquaintance through sports lost his life yesterday at just 49.

That, I guess, is the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath. A sociopath generally will be shallow enough to believe it, have the rage to act on it, and have too little empathy to consider the effects of being wrong. A psychopath is the sort of person who torments others because they can, because the have no empathy at all, and get enjoyment from the pain of others.


Well, it’s the new thing that one can never EVER admit they were wrong. I think if you do, your head explodes or you have to live the rest of your life in shame-alone, disheveled, unwashed-in a community of other such losers who were wrong once.

We had a local politician who made the mistake of suggesting people get vaccinated because vaccines saved lives. It was sad to read many of the comments on his page. He wasn’t even advocating mandates.

Some of these folks are downright vicious. Mean isn’t strong enough.

If anyone were to admit they’d changed their minds, they’d have to expect attacks.

This is good news…‘Rather than producing 500 pages a month — the FDA’s proposed timeline — he ordered the agency to turn over 55,000 a month. That means all the Pfizer vaccine data should be public by the end of the summer rather than, say, the year 2097’


That is good for them. But…but if this keeps going on there may be a variant that pops up that causes serious issues for young folks.

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So true. And we can respond appropriately then. In The meantime, given the extremely low risk to vaxxed young people,they can act accordingly.


We can’t seriously be worrying about things that may or may not happen. Let’s worry about what we have currently and that is a variant that acts not dissimilar to the common cold in young healthy adults/kids.


I heard about her and perused her Facebook page. Her “followers” are actually theorizing that she is in fact alive and in hiding because healthcare workers in hospitals are actually purposely killing the unvaccinated by denying them the proper “protocol” of meds/treatments, as well as forcing deadly treatments on them. Many of these people also believe that Biden, Fauci, Harris, and others are actually body doubles (and they believe that these people have more than one). The conspiracy theories would be mildly sad or amusing if there weren’t so many people truly believing them.

From the linked article above:

After Weldon’s death, her QAnon allies threatened to pursue violent action against staff at the hospital where she died. Scott McKay, a QAnon personality known as the “Patriot Streetfighter,” said he would publicize the names of doctors and nurses involved in treating Weldon, saying he wanted to “put the fear into these medical professionals” in a Telegram post. McKay proposed the hospital staff be sentenced to death, or be murdered in vigilante violence.

“If it’s not done in a military tribunal then it’s going to be done in the street eventually and not to my wishes,” McKay wrote. “That’s my greatest fear. But if it’s necessary, it’s going to be necessary.”

That just infuriates me.

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Well, yeah we do. And always have. We always “worry” about why might or might not happen - we don’t wait until our kids are in an accident before we put them in car seats. We put them in car seats in case they do get in an accident…it may happen.

We don’t wait until our deep cut gets infected before we get it treated. My cut may not get infected…but it might, so I get it treated before it has the chance to get infected.

I may live to next week…or I might not, but I save money for rent, food, etc in case I do.

Variants of a disease can’t develop if disease no longer exists. And, a serious question (because am no scientist!) In general, if a variant is “weaker” than the last one, does that mean each variant is likely to be weaker and weaker? Or could some crazy strong one develop?