Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

Driving across the country and the Covid effects on Starbucks are REAL and quite limiting. Just stopped at the only one for a couple hundred miles and it was closed! Mobile ordering off and many stores closed in all major cities we’ve passed through. After avoiding Sbux for decades, DD was a barista for one of her summer jobs and got me hooked on custom coffee drinks like it is crack cocaine.

Her store was reportedly fully vaxed in the summer before boosters and possible mandate. They are now offering 2 hours pay for proof of vax. My personal opinion is that they are having so much trouble staffing now they can’t afford any roadblocks by implementing a mandate. They increased pay in Sept/Oct by $3?/hr, it’s not enough. Our observed reality is that almost no one tips at Sbux, the hourly share is pathetic $1-2/hr. Seems like in covid times people have become much bigger tippers everywhere else, DD made twice as much at her other foodservice job. No wonder they can’t staff their stores.

Please be kind to your baristas, they make squat for the effort! 35 minutes to the next hit, I hope!!!


To be clear, what SCOTUS said is that OSHA cannot mandate the vaccines under an Emergency order. It’s entirely possible that OSHA could issue a mandate under its regular rule-making process: submit wording, obtain public comments, finalize wording…

But yes, states have always had legal authority to issue an employer mandate, (under their ‘police powers’), but none have done so to-date.


Agree with others: vaccinated status is not protected class, so perfectly legal to discriminate for/against (outside of health care settings). Indeed, a strong anti-vaxxer could choose to hire only those who are unvaccinated. (not sure how they would prove it, but that’s not the point, which is whether its legal.)


Gonzaga University has suspended John Stockton’s basketball season tickets due to his refusal to follow the school’s mask mandate during games. He is anti-vax, anti-mask, anti- any restrictions. He is quite visible at games, being a certain BB hall of famer. He has insisted without evidence that the vaccine has killed 100+ athletes.

They wanted to have a ceremony to retire his number, but had to postpone that as well, since he won’t follow mask regulations at games.


Sports - in many cases - is exempt from science and rules.

Vaccinations and masks required…but in person class is too risky…???

‘“The fact that students can fill the (Breslin Center) packed shoulder to shoulder for hours before the game, for the entirety of the game and be together for, you know, probably three hours at night with no social distancing, not even including all the outsiders being brought in to campus for the game, it’s wildly hypocritical” Blake Maday said.’

Seems that John Stockton could have just sucked it up and put on his mask…and gone to fully packed events.


Has anyone found a list of his 100 (150 now according to one site) of professional athletes he claims died from the vaccine? It seems like it would be super easy to Fact Check:

The Spokesman-Review reported that Stockton alleged during his interview that more than 100 athletes had died as a result of taking the vaccine, some during competition — a claim that is dubious at best and not backed by medical science.

“I think it’s highly recorded now, there’s 150 I believe now, it’s over 100 professional athletes dead — professional athletes — the prime of their life, dropping dead that are vaccinated, right on the pitch, right on the field, right on the court,” Stockton said.


deleted for privacy reasons

Interesting how you can take what I said and make it sound so calculated. No, I do not believe their is any “clandestine plot to mislead” And I did not “twist” anything.
Here is the quote I referred to repeated again.

Had she stopped at: “Why not have him do a telehealth visit with a doctor he knows” you are correct and it is just a suggestion to seek medical advice. But by adding “who can explain why he is safer getting a booster than risking Covid” it changes the suggestion to a predetermined out come of the discussion. That predetermined outcome, being that the booster is always safer.


I’ll “assume” that future posts between @bhs1978 and @mtmind will my via PM, so that the rest of the users don’t need to slog through the debate.


A follow-up on French vaccine pass…

France bars unvaccinated from restaurants, sports venues | AP News

In French: Le passe vaccinal est entré en vigueur : quelles sont les différences avec le passe sanitaire ? (


BBC has an article today about folks giving up jobs due to mandates. I find it an interesting read, though the uplifting part to me is that Citigroup (where the person used to work) has stats like my guy’s medical system. The people the article centers on might get the spotlight and/or be loud, but they are hardly a majority.

At Citi, which allowed medical and religious exemptions, more than 99% of staff have met the requirements for the bank’s 65,000-person US workforce.

It’s too bad more businesses don’t require it. If Covid continues, maybe they will. Cost can often dictate what businesses do.

In addition to health benefits, companies have compelling financial and operational reasons to insist. Health costs, often at least partially covered by employers, are higher for the unvaccinated, who are also more likely to miss work due to illness.

Of course, if they don’t offer health insurance, they probably don’t care. And then there are places like Starbucks where attracting employees is tough, so they have to take whoever they can find.


I didn’t imply anything. Just stated what the article said.

No problem. At least you know how it works for “both” to be true now. :wink:

Died due to Covid and seemed to choke to death… it’s how death “happens” that way.

My mom died of cancer, but someone only seeing the last couple of days would have said she choked to death. If one doesn’t know the biology of what is actually happening, it’s what it seems like. Blood clots can work more quickly than cancer.


It’s not worth it!!

What’s not worth it? Trying to understand things?


Trying to decipher cryptic posts. Everybody, move the conversation forward. This back and forth of parsing past posts and debating what is implied (as just one example) is beyond tedious.

Sorry, I had remembered @hardy8635 's posts stating a lady who the family said died of Covid also mentioning she had choked to death and thinking that’s what happened due to a FB post they had read. It was explained afterward that blood clots (what likely caused the death) mimic choking to death.

My response to their saying they didn’t “imply” anything was to try to be a little more helpful by stating at least they know how both dying from Covid and choking to death fit into the puzzle without one negating the other.

Apparently I failed with my attempt, I certainly wasn’t trying to be condescending with a superiority complex and don’t really see how a simple explanation could have been interpreted that way, but whatever - hence - this post connecting the dots!

I’ve no problem moving on.

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Thank you for your post.
Yes, both would be listed as cause of death if an autopsy was performed.
First line: pulmonary embolism
Next line: Recent history of coronavirus