Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

I’m beginning to think that it’s inevitable vaxed will get Covid too, but hopefully it will be mild and not result in any long Covid symptoms. I know tons of people who got Covid over the holidays, mostly from getting together with their families or from unvaccinated kids in daycare.


Right, but from the very beginning they told us it would keep us from being hospitalized and/or dying. I was and am good with that. Why some want to risk dying is what I don’t understand.


As its Super Bowl Sunday…the Governor has exempted gatherings of over 10,000 from his mask mandate. (anyone see that science report?)


If we add up all the students in CA that would be well over 10K. Should solve the mask problem in schools.

Honestly, SO done with the hypocrisy. At least ‘they’ aren’t even trying to hide it.


Nearly everyone I know who has contracted Covid lately (probably Omicron but no one really knows since most found out through a home test) has been vaccinated and boosted. The severities have ranged from asymptomatic to mild to miserable but no one has been hospitalized. I wonder if we will have a super bowl party spike?

That doesn’t make sense to me at all. what do you mean mean, “add up all the students in CA”? Do you mean that they should collect the millions of CA students in one location, or something?

I cannot make sense of what you are saying - please clarify.

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Or how 'bout the one that says “just hold your breath”?


Precisely the point I was making…none of it makes sense. You have a SB with no masking amongst the 70K+ in attendees even though it is mandatory. So clearly it’s safe. Then you drop the, mask mandate State wide a day later - well EXCEPT for school children. And not due to science but due to that ‘other reason’. So according to illogical logic , one could simply aggregate all the kids into one number and then apply the same illogical logic.

So…in answer to your question, I’ve decided to hop on the nonsensical train and offer solutions from that perspective.

Or…some would call it sarcasm.


To be clear, the SOFI stadium is considered an indoor venue since it has a roof. But, masking was not ‘mandatory’ inside that venue as the Governor exempted all gatherings of 10k persons or more from his statewide mask mandate. (Otherwise, the NFL would have likely switched the Super Bowl from LA to Dallas.)

But your point is well taken: 70 thousand screaming/yelling folks pose no covid risk, but 25 kids sitting mostly quietly do?


Those 70K people have chosen to be there for their own pleasure, and, presumably, are willing to take that risk. Last I checked, school was mandatory, and teachers could not choose whether to go to work or not.

So, no comparison.


On the contrary, teachers could choose to find other work if they don’t like the working conditions. Someone posted a WSJ upthread (shaw?) that wrote about all the fantastic new jobs that teachers have moved into.

No different than those in many other industries: grocery stores, heath care workers, first responders, bus drivers, airlines, and the like. Or, for that matter, the workers at SOFI stadium (security, food, beer, ticket collection, parking)…


Parents too have choices-most states have had some type of sponsored online school for years, and there are always private/homeschool/charter alternatives. Texas alone has 7 fully virtual, state-accredited free public school options.


Can you please cite your source that the Governor exempted all gatherings of 10k persons. I do not believe this is accurate. Official requirements were defined by the NFL:

So now we are taking an inaccurate claim that masks were not required and extrapolating (tongue in cheek, sarcasm now understood) that if that is safe - the outside stadium filled with vaccinated/recently tested people that is technically inside b/c it has a roof - that small unventilated classrooms that are populated for 7 hour days (often by changing groups of largely unvaccinated people) are safe.

Yes, politics has come into play and undermined some of the science in this pandemic, unfortunately, if you ask me. But this novel virus and the response has become better understood and evolved as the virus and its variants have. The fact that some have become a “they” and screams of hypocrisy abound is so disappointing. Hypocrisy reigns in many areas of our lives - are protests good or bad? Why does the answer change if they are in Portland vs. Canada and which side of the aisle one sits on? Doing our best to keep people safe doesn’t sound so awful to me. Yes, teachers can get new jobs if they choose - but do people on a site called college confidential value teachers so little that they see them as interchangeable?


The stadium is enclosed. Hence, indoor. Consistency is a goal of public policy and restrictions . Children should not be asked to bear more burden than adults absent a showing they either are at greater risk themselves, or more of a vector of infection to others. Neither shown.


Masks therefore required - consistent with all other indoor venues.

Fine with me, but very obviously not enforced. Even the LA mayor went maskless. Hence hypocrisy.


Oh absolutely. There’s a reason I haven’t gone back yet (and might not ever) post Covid. Fortunately for me, I had a choice because I have enough years to retire and don’t even really need the retirement income. Plenty of younger teachers without those years were jealous that I had the option. Options haven’t been as clear for them, and undoubtedly, some don’t care. I know quite a few who have retired or are at the end of this year. If I were to go back to school now I’d need to learn quite a few new names (of teachers). Quite honestly, it’s part of why I’m not sure I want to return. “My” crew isn’t all there any longer.

Can we move on from California and their policies?


Yes, please. Everyone has stated their opinion and there’s nothing more to be said on the subject.

We had a super bowl party of 3, but I will keep everyone posted :rofl:

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