Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

Just fyi my antibody level 6 months after first booster was 6074 and 7 months after was 5368.

Six months after second shot it was 1068.

I had my second booster on 6/4 and will post my antibody results at one month.

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Thank you for sharing. I donā€™t know much about antibody levels. Do they know what level is needed to provide good protection?

i hate that over 2 years in and we are still dealing with this. My D is a Unit Head at a camp, and today she got a text that one of the teens counselors that she saw on Thursday tested positive. We are having an indoor/outdoor College Grad Party for my S. D just did a rapid test and it was negative. D has had covid twice (last time in Dec) and was boosted a month ago. (D does not live at home, but is here for the party)
I asked her what the camp policy was for a positive test, and she said that you have to show positive on a PCR and then they will pay you for 2 days of missed time.
She also told me that sleep away camps once again this year have to bubble staff and not allow them to take time off outside the bubble unless there is an emergency ; they were hoping they would not need to do it this summer.
Looks like summer 2022 is not what we all thought it would be. I dont even want to hope for summer 2023 at this point.

From the beginning, my prediction was five to seven years.

It is not any indication of your degree of immunity. FDA and CDC have issued pointed guidance on this. Antibody Testing Is Not Currently Recommended to Assess Immunity After COVID-19 Vaccination: FDA Safety Communication | FDA

Thank you for the information! I didnā€™t know that.

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Want to clarify that I am in a Johns Hopkins study for chronically ill. I did not seek these tests out myself nor do I rely on them to assess my safety or lack thereof.

I have posted my results along the way, always identifying them as part of the study, and got distracted and forgot to include the context.


A group of us who work together all came down with Covid about 3 weeks ago. All tested positive. Vaccinated and unvaccinated. The illness ran the exact same course in all of us, and the unvaccinated recovered quicker. It was 3 days of influenza type A symptoms, fever 100-101.5. Body aches that concentrated in areas of the body that were previously injured. I have a long-term FOOSH injury from a fall I took on a trail run, I could no longer use that hand it hurt so bad. minor gastrointestinal. None of us had coughs or sore throats. I had a head ache the first day only. When the initial symptoms were done it was basically a head cold that lasted 2 weeks and messed with our taste buds. None of us could stand the taste of Ketchup. it also altered the taste of peanut butter for me and I couldnā€™t taste mint. I am unvaccinated, and I was back to running 6 miles on day 8 from the initial onset. I had some bloodwork at the end for other reasons, and it depleted my WBC and my Lymphocytes.


My daughter started having symptoms on Tuesday. She tested negative on Wednesday but positive on Thursday.

How long does she have to quarantine?

Thought itā€™s 5 days from stmptoms? See calculator at CDC

Hope she and her friends are better soon!

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Thank you, thatā€™s so helpful! I donā€™t think any of them have bad symptoms, fortunately. Just like bad colds.

My daughter is feeling much better. According to the CDC calculator, she could get out of quarantine today, but sheā€™s going to wait until tomorrow to be safe. She is feeling fine now, whew.

The whole wedding week was a disaster. She gave a ride to one of the groomsmen from New Hampshire to Pennsylvania, and he shared that that very morning, he went to check on his grandmother at her house and she had passed away! Then the bridesmaid infected quite a few people, including most of the wedding party, the bride and groom, and the bride and groomā€™s parents. It turns out the bridesmaid had attended a 200-person wedding days before and also visited her brother in Philadelphia. Ugh. The bride is having a hard time forgiving her, and I donā€™t blame her. Originally, the wedding party was going to be responsible for getting their own food, but the brideā€™s mother decided to cook a lot of nice meals and asked the kids to pitch in what they could. My daughter donated what she had budgeted to spend on food for the week. The infectious bridesmaid threw in $20! From what my daughter said, I donā€™t think this girl fully understands the havoc she wreaked.

When the bride and groom decided to cancel the wedding, they got a lot of backlash. Geez, THEY didnā€™t even feel good, and they sure didnā€™t want to chance infecting anyone else! The groomā€™s brother called him ā€œselfish.ā€ The wedding was at the lovely farm of the brideā€™s parents, but they are still out thousands of dollars and they donā€™t have that money to lose.

As maid of honor, my daughter had spent about $500 on an activity for the bachelorette party. That money is lost. The bride understands that D canā€™t do that again when the wedding is held, probably in October.

The next time, the wedding party will arrive shortly before the wedding and party afterwards. The canceled honeymoon in Portugal canā€™t be rescheduled for awhile. The groom started a very stressful job a few months ago, and he was so looking forward to getting away.

My daughter was supposed to sub at an office near the wedding site for a photographer who went on vacation, and that whole plan had to be scrubbed. That has long-term implications, because Dā€™s boss was hoping to have D sub for employees all over the country, and this assignment was a trial to see how it would go.

Anyway, take this seriously. Just this morning, I got a text from my personal trainer that his roommate had just tested positive, so our session was canceled. Up until the last few months, I knew very few people who got COVID, but now Iā€™m learning of someone new almost every day.


Wow, what a disaster. My D is getting married in October and this kind of scenario kind of hovers in the backs of our minds.

I would seriously consider not having any festivities sooner than the night before the wedding. I donā€™t want ANYONE else to ever go through a nightmare like this. :frowning: A friend of a friend is about to attend his sonā€™s wedding in the UK, and they arranged to party two weeks BEFORE the wedding, and then everyone will show up for the wedding. Thatā€™s great, but itā€™s not practical when kids come are spread out around the country.

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Was the expectation that the bridesmaid would have isolated herself from everyone before the wedding? Was that the expectation for the entire wedding party? Did everyone else do so? Was every guest expected to do so, also?

I think most people exercise no sense of restraint whatsoever regarding covid and donā€™t want to deny themselves anything to keep things safe for a wedding. That, after all, would mean they couldnā€™t ā€œlive their life.ā€

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Apparently, the rest of the wedding party was very careful because the bride and groom communicated their concern to all involve. I remember thinking my daughter was going a little overboard with her precautions. If guests arenā€™t careful, at least it doesnā€™t mean the wedding has to be canceled.

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Interesting. But, as weā€™ve learned, one personā€™s idea of careful might not be the same as another personā€™s. Seems like that happened here.


I donā€™t see in what universe attending a 200-person wedding could be seen as ā€œcarefulā€ under any definition.


There are obviously degrees of ā€œcarefulā€. Attending an outdoor wedding with plenty of space would be different from attending a packed indoor wedding. Attending the earlier wedding and then (for the next week or two) testing immediately before each contact with anyone else involved in the next wedding would also indicate a level of care that was apparently absent in this case.

If it was an outside wedding and the person stayed masked?

Did the bride and groom dictate that their wedding party couldnā€™t attend any other weddings? Any other events? Iā€™m just not understanding what the coupleā€™s expectations were, and how exactly that was conveyed to their wedding party.

Say one of the wedding party lived with their family, and another family member had to work in a high-risk occupation. Was that member of the wedding party expected to isolate themselves before the wedding?

Live and learn, is what Iā€™d tell the wedding couple. Plenty of people before them have had to have their weddings postponed because of covid. There are no guarantees, and people canā€™t have their every move controlled before a wedding.