Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

Social experiment here.

  1. Me - last booster in Nov. Had Omicron 1 early January
  2. Friend - not vaccinated. Got “alpha” last April. Was Flu like.

Yes, we went out Friday night to a nightclub and danced the night away. We both knew the risks.

So far I am feeling fine.
My friend yesterday was not feeling well. Congested, similar to allergies. She was like uh oh. This morning she is feeling a bit better, but took a Covid test anyway. It was negative. She knows it might be too soon to show positive, plus she is feeling better, but she will retest tomorrow.

Of course, there are lots of other viruses that can cause COVID-like symptoms, like various cold viruses, influenza, etc…

D2 lives with a roommate. Roommate had allergy symptoms last week (she has pretty bad allergies) but tested twice, negative. Last test was on Saturday, the day that D2 was also coming home and tested negative with no symptoms - she has just frequently tested before coming home anyway. D2 came home we went out of town for overnight Sunday and on the drive home yesterday, started feeling poorly. Because one of her symptoms was a gunky, sore throat I recommended she test. Positive. She called her roommate whose “allergies” have improved since last week. Roommate decided to test (Monday). Positive.

Now H and I have been exposed and D2 is currently still hear mostly isolating. We are all using separate sleeping rooms, bathrooms for the most part, have 2 disinfectant supply stations set up and are masking if talking to D2. AC is on in the house but some windows open. Closing our bedroom doors at all times to keep air flow from her bedroom/bathroom at a minimum. Not much else we can do! I tested yesterday, negative.

My coworker has her S, DIL and 4 year old grandson living with her. Her DIL had baby #2 on 7/01 and now S, DIL and grandson all are positive for Covid. My coworker and baby #2 are negative. Coworker said everyone is feeling ok, but yikes!

@abasket I hope your D feels better soon and that you and your H continue to be negative.

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Update on my kids- D1 started symptoms last Sunday, tested positive on at home test Monday. Both Ds took PCR on Tuesday (it took over 24 hours to get to the lab). D2 tested negative Wednesday on at home test, got on train with mask and had her own room. Both got PCR results late Wednesday D1 positive, D2 negative. Thursday morning D2 still on train is stuffy so she tests- Positive! We take her car and leave it for her, she came home, straight to room. D2 got PCR Friday- Positive.

D1 was still testing positive yesterday day 8(very light line)- symptoms are worse than D2. D2 still a strong positive today day 5, so she will stay in isolation. They both started Enovid nasal spray last Monday. Honestly, not sure it’s done much for them.

DH and I have stayed home. We had the luxury of knowing our kid was coming to us with Covid so we went out and stocked up. I have an appointment tomorrow, so I will at home test prior.

Had a friend I was going to get together with last Wednesday- her DH tested positive after having symptoms since Sunday, she didn’t test positive till this Sunday. Glad we canceled!

When you say you “stocked up” - do you mean on meds or tests or food or something?

Hope your daughters reach the finish line soon!

Food and meds, Tussin DM was recommended by the pharmacy and Tylenol- I actually have to go get more tests tomorrow. We used up the few we had here, down to one.

ETA: D1 has to test for work (she has gone through all her free tests for the month),D2 was testing in hopes the Enovid was going to lower her viral load and she could stop isolating.

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I’d like your post now with your explanation but for some reason the only thing I can do is “reply” - “like” option is not showing up!

I was editing- that’s probably why!

Nope, actually option to “thumbs up” or anything is gone for me completely it seems. No emojis either!

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DH tested positive two days ago, I tested positive today after clearly starting yesterday. I work from home, he works in a masked office but it seems the only place he could have picked it up was a short lunch he had with 5 people in a conference room, widelyspaced. I literally only see him.

At least we are confident we haven’t spread it to any of our vulnerable family. Luckily we are in the habit of testing whenever we do gather so we know everyone was negative that day.

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Same for me. Weird.

I know there is a limit on likes per day, maybe you have exceeded them.

My coworker tested positive yesterday. They all have mild cases. They were all vaccinated except the 4 year old who was getting his vaccine this week. Baby is still negative, but the doctor said yesterday that if the baby gets a fever to go immediately to ER.

Yay, the hospital is no longer requiring a COVID test before procedures!! It was an onerous requirement since my son has ECT every Wednesday. It meant driving over 60 miles on Sundays to get him to a clinic. A lot of the time we’re gone on the weekends, too.


If the hospital wanted to require a test before a procedure, couldn’t it offer a rapid test at entry? Even if they charged retail price for a rapid NAAT test (about $65), many would choose that over making a separate trip to get a test a few days before.

A rapid test at entry that is positive becomes a treatment slot empty with no $$$ income for that slot. Knowing an appt has to be cancelled ahead of time gives time to potentially fill that slot - let alone not exposing people in the office with the positive person’s covid status.

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However, a test a few days before will fail to catch a post-test infection, or an infection that is too new at the time of the test to be detected then, but becomes contagious a day after the test. I.e. pretesting a few days before is not very effective, unless the person is also quarantining starting a few days before the pretest.

That’s what my son’s psychiatrist said. He rolled his eyes when I told him the hospital required a clinic test three days before the procedure. But yes, canceling a procedure that costs several thousand dollars a pop at the last minute is not practical.