Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

It’s bizarre to me to hear of how many people are catching Covid now. So many people caught Omicron in the first part of the year, it’s hard to believe there’s anybody left to get it.

Original omicron infection doesn’t seem to give much immunity against the latest omicron variants.


I’m not going to argue this but I will say that one reason to have the temp checks - and a medical professional on site monitoring those checks is so that people who don’t believe in COVID or the value of temperature checks don’t try and get in a vulnerable setting like a hospital where sick people are . 100% there are people who have tried to “sneak in” and low and behold they have a temp of 101 (but they are insistent they need to visit a family member or have their in person appt!)

Your temp runs low, that’s your normal. Another person runs high, that’s their normal. But a temp of 101 isn’t probably normal for anyone.


Could be, although being outdoors probably meant that your exposure was much lower than if you were near her indoors. Maybe you got a very low viral dose that resulted in a short asymptomatic infection, if at all.

Antibodies induced from BA.1 or BA.2 infection do not provide complete neutralization against BA.4 or BA.5 infection, even though they are all Omicron variants.


Yep, that’s us too. I can’t believe that nobody caught it on our trip. Well my (&H’s) trip to visit the kids. But for 9 days, we ate dinner and most lunches out (inside dining). And we went to several museums. I wore mine in the Spy Museum, and Natural History, but the rest of my group didn’t. And I didn’t either in a few other places. Kids and families were swarming everywhere with maybe 25% mask usage. And we rode metro quite a bit. A few times I made everyone wear masks, but a lot of the time people forgot and I admit I forgot mine once.

Nobody came down ill. Older S had covid (probably omicron 2) in late April. His GF never got it, but considering how they spend almost 24-7 together (WFH) in a 1 BR/1BA apartment, I can’t believe she wasn’t exposed. So they probably had decent immunity. But the other 4 of us… We’re vax’d and single boosted, but our last shot was in Oct/Nov '21.

it would be nice to know if I’d had it, but if I walked into a clinic and asked for whatever kind of test does that, I’m pretty certain the best case scenario would be that they looked at me like I had 3 heads. The people on this board seem to know WAY more about covid than even the professionals around here.


The test to ask for is the nucleocapsid antibody test if you want to know if you have antibodies from previous infection (as opposed to vaccination with the vaccines used in the US).


If you scanned at 99 you would know you were ill and could act accordingly. Certainly more effective than not knowing.

Like with masks, vaccines, distancing, and other remedial measures, temp tests aren’t perfect, but they are a heck of a lot more “useful” than no measures at all, especially given the negligible cost.


D2 is visiting D1 in Orlando. Sunday D1 started to get a sore throat. Yesterday by the afternoon, D1 could not keep up with D2 walking around the theme park. Went back to the apartment, tested, faint line. This morning- solid line. D2 still negative. They just both took a PCR test. Grocery store is not doing online orders for pick up or delivery so D2 will go in masked.

I’m surprised it took D1 so long to get it. Her roommate had it in May. She’s upset that she got it now and concerned that her sister will get it. D2 is supposed to get on a train tomorrow night to come home. They have Enovid nasal spray, so I guess they will do a mini clinical trial to see how well it works.

Well add my husband to the list of people who finally got Covid. I feel like I have to run around today doing all the stuff on my list in case I test positive tomorrow! We were supposed to drive to Vermont on Friday, so there’s a lot on my list! The doctor okay Paxlovid and so far he’s mostly just coughing. I have the sniffles pretty much all the time, so I’ll be one of those who doesn’t know they have it until I start feeling worse.

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@jeneric @mathmom sorry to hear the your D and H have Covid. Hopefully they will each have a mild case and recover quickly.

My coworker’s wife (mid 40’s no underlying conditions) is still not feeling 100% after a couple of weeks. It does take some people a bit longer to feel better even when vaxed and boosted.

H started Paxlovid the day he tested positive (was having symptoms a day and a half before that). Almost immediately felt better and improved each day, BUT got sicker after the course of treatment and it took another week to test negative. Look up Paxlovid rebound (it’s addressed in the article above). Would he have become seriously ill if had not taken Paxlovid? He has health issues, so that was always a concern.

I didn’t get it from him, but kept my distance and we both masked in rooms we shared. We’re both vaxed+2 (PPPM).

How are you doing mathmom?

So far, only our S has gotten COVID. And it’s very clear why. He did a 210 mile cycle race and had absolutely no resistance to anything at that point. And the race required travel, plus larger groups inside during signup and pre-events.

My point about temp checks is … it falls into the ‘look we are DOING.SOMETHING"!!!. DS never had a fever (an elevated temp of 99 which hung around for a few hours and is very normal after such physical activity). A dosage of Ibuprofen or Aspirin will bring temps down in those what want to’ pass 'a test. Most smart travelers took some type of fever reducer before traversing thru Hong Kong or Singapore airports- and this was prior to COVID. Just the stress of travel, jet lag, running thru airports, flying, dehydration can elevate a temperature.

It falls into the same category as wearing a mask to walk to a restaurant table and from the table to the restroom all the while spending a long period of time talking, laughing, sharing etc while unmasked at the table.

And masking small children while their adult handlers are drinking lattes and laughing with each other on the playground.

We all vaxxed and boosted ONCE. We’ve worn N95/KN95 masks when required and subsequently when it made sense. We use the ENOVID nasal spray. Take additional zinc only under certain exposure situations (well aware of the copper imbalance risks with excess zinc). We will also gargle after higher risk situations.

But I am done with COVID behavior theater. When my D has to worry whether or not she can bring the baby into an urgent care visit - because her toddler had an injury and the clinic doesn’t allow siblings at appointments - my blood boils (yes, she was able to bring baby). When dad can’t come to any of the pre and post natal appointments due to COVID…my blood boils. When we’ve allowed massive sporting events - inside and out…when we’ve supported large group gatherings for the ‘correct’ reasons while chastising others for wanting to kill granny if they unmask their child…my blood boils.

We know many cases are asymptomatic or ‘just a cold’. So if places want to go thru motions that don’t actually protect - but instead offer a psychological level of comfort - well, it’s their party and their rules. Some will want to stay in a mental lockdown mode for the foreseeable future…keeping masks on in certain environs maybe forever. Some will play along with the mask barely covering the nose. Mask on/mask off/mask on …the maskers :). Maybe some places will take temps as a standard business practice - in perpetuity…again…their party.

As for medical settings. If the goal is to keep COVID infected out…then it is simple enough to require a rapid test. Offer the potential visitor a warm beverage of their choice, a nice place to hang out for 20 minutes…and do a test!


Do you know the # of people that walk in and out of a hospital lobby or large medical office building in a matter of minutes?

Not to mention the space that you are going to conduct those tests and keep protocol distance and the staff you will need on hand to monitor the testing, timing, reading and discharge of those visitors that want to be a visitor???

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“Either the government will find the money or we will go to the private market,” said Chief Executive Officer Stéphane Bancel in an interview. “There’s no way Moderna won’t be there for the U.S. booster campaign this fall.”

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Whether testing before entry is practical or not (depends on the setting), medical places may find that having patients and visitors wear masks helps reduce the spread of other airborne contagions like flu, measles, various common colds, etc. that people can bring in.


D2’s friend returned from a trip to Spain a couple of days ago and now has Covid. D2 also has a friend in Italy right now that comes back in a week. D2 said I’m going to wait until he’s been back here a week before we get together since I know so many people with Covid right now.

I finished up to architectural projects got them printed and handed in, picked up Paxlovid for my husband, picked up all my library books that were on hold and stocked up at the grocery store. I’ve got one more project I am hoping to finish up this week. (The plan had been to drive to Vermont on Friday, not sure that is happening…) So I am tired. Could be Covid, or just too much stress! I always have the sniffles from GERD, but I feel normal so far.

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Paul Offit always gives me a lot to think about.


My poor coworker just sent me a message that he now has Covid and is not feeling well (fever, body aches). His wife is on work travel and does not get home until tonight. He had to keep his 6 year old home from camp and his 3 1/2 year old home from daycare. His 85 year old FIL also lives with him. I asked if he wanted me to come over to help out (they have no family here) today, but he said he was ok.