Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

It has only been three days since I asked the same thing in post #8834… maybe someone who answered they they had not gotten it then has gotten it in the last three days?

I have not gotten a known case of COVID-19 (though there is a possibility of an unknown asymptomatic infection). Mostly still avoiding eating in indoor restaurants and wearing masks in stores or while getting take-out food, and have JJm vaccination history. But mostly doing normal unmasked outdoor social activities.

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Love it!! Same here. Lol

In our family - H, DD, SIL, DS and SO plus myself - DS and his SO have had COVID. At separate times, although DS and SO must have had the same exposure when SO came down with it.

But. H and I have not had it. I was fully expecting to be down with it - either one or both of us - this week. We let all of our guard down from Thursday - Sunday of last week. Air travel - fully packed terminals and aircraft. We did wear N95’s most of the time but did have coffee in the terminal and a drink on the plane. It was a wedding weekend for a very good friend’s son.

Thursday - dinner indoors with about 16 people.

Friday - welcome dinner with about 60 people. Held at a winery, with dinner being a buffet being served in what I would classify as a very large and high ceilinged barn. I had the worst seat in the house. Sat right where everyone passed and lingered at the buffet line.

Saturday - several hours in the MOG’s room getting hair and makeup done. Eating breakfast with the other women and their partners. Laughing talking. Face to face with the hair and makeup person. Bus ride to the venue. Mid sized van. About 25 people. Lot’s of young’uns having a vocal good time. Did leave the windows open.

The wedding ceremony and receptions were held outside. Sat close to people, danced. Hung out at the bar.

Sunday - back to MOG’s room for another breakfast. Her room was packed with other family. H and I along with another couple ate on the deck. But lots of interaction with everyone.

Flight home delayed. Sat in a terminal so crowded you couldn’t have fallen over if you tried. Buffeted by bodies all around. Jam packed aircraft.

As of today - 4 days past last exposure. No signs of COVID. will test again tomorrow.

What we did…used ENOVID spray religiously. Up to 6X day. Wore N95s for air travel. Took ionic zinc lozenges before flights, van travel and inside meals. Colloidal silver spray for throat each time we used ENOVID. Elderberry gummies.

Who knows if any of that made a difference. I guess after posting this karma might want a laugh and we wake up sick tomorrow. But all indications are we did not get infected.

H and I vaxxed. PPP. First and only booster was end of November.


My PCR test just came back positive, so that really dim line on the home test was accurate.

My sore throat is gone, though, so that’s progress!


I think I am getting Covid. My D and a friend are staying. They got sick a couple of days after they got here. I have a mild sore throat and coughing a little. I’ll go to the clinic when they open to get tested.

If you look upthread, you’ll see where this was asked a few days ago, and there are a lot of answers. To repeat, I, H, D, SIL, and GKs have not got it. S and his SO have (they live a little less carefully than the rest of us, though much more so than people do on average, and got caught once a couple months ago).

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Checking for lymph node swelling and none so far. Don’t know how significant that is.

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I don’t know how significant either, but based on my experience with it, I’m glad you don’t have it.

No one I’ve mentioned it to before has had what I did from it. They were super painful making me want to cut them from my body (brain overrode that solution).

Considering previous radiation and being told to watch for lymph issues “down the road,” it’s made me wonder if something is lurking, but I haven’t asked my doctor because I don’t want to seem crazy. Medical lad doesn’t know if it would be connected. He might know I’m crazy (part of a mom’s job description, no?), but he doesn’t mind.

Since they’ve gone back to normal now I assume all is fine.

The test came back negative. I think it is a false negative. My throat is definitely sore. Will see if it gets worse.

Colds and the flu are going around too, so it may, or may not, be correct. 'Tis tough to tell, but I hope you feel better soon.

If you were to feel really bad, get help soon. My medical boy tells me most who die now waited it out too long before coming in, esp if they were unvaxxed or had known comorbidities. The treatments they have now generally work well. It’s so much better than the early days (his words).

ETA: Really bad is subjective and why folks on here plus doctors are sometimes on the fence with Paxlovid. I knew I wasn’t, so didn’t worry. H wasn’t sure and has HBP, so opted for it.

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Lots of other things could cause sore throats and other symptoms that COVID-19 can cause.

I got a PCR test at the drive through at CVS. Came back pretty quickly.

My first home test showed a faint positive line. I took one today and it immediately was a dark line. 15 minutes later when I read the test, it was a dark positive.

It may take a few days to show, or you might well just have allergies or another kind of virus.

IS PCR more accurate?

Could be allergy. Probably not cold or flu. I haven’t gotten a common cold for more than 10 years. My last flu was more than 30 years ago.

PCR tests are more accurate. Even if you don’t normally get a cold or flu that doesn’t mean you don’t have it now. I had a terrible cold bug in April which caused an ear infection and it took me several weeks to feel better. The doctor did a PCR test when I went to urgent care and it was negative (as was my home test). The doctor said there are plenty of other viruses besides Covid that people are getting right now.

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PCR or NAAT testing is generally more sensitive and less prone to false negatives, so it is the best type of test to use for diagnostic purposes. However, the typical delay in getting results, or the higher costs for assured rapid results, means that they are less suitable for precautionary testing.

This does not mean that you cannot get it now. After all, a common cold or influenza virus may have mutated away from what your immune system recognized from 10 or 30 years ago (or even a flu vaccine from last year).

Like @garland I live in an area that was hit early and hard. One of my former clients and his father passed away in the first wave and I knew quite a few people who got very sick. We spent the first year of the pandemic listening at lunchtime to the head of the hospital system where my husband works. We knew when they were down to their last PPE, how many people got out of the hospital each week. Colleagues had views of the refrigerator trucks because the morgues were out of space. I still wear my mask inside all stores and in some stores the majority of shoppers are still wearing masks.

We did finally let our guard down to meet DH’s brother at a restaurant in NYC. His brother gave it to both of us at the end of June. As it happens it was pretty good timing from our point of view since we’d been waffling about going to a grad school reunion at the beach last weekend, but figured that we were highly unlikely to get sick again so soon.


My doctor didn’t die, but he was on vacation when I got Covid. It turns out our insurance had a telemed option. It was relatively simple to do, I talked to a physician who asked me some questions and based on my age said it was probably a good idea to get Paxlovid. The problem with Paxlovid is that it works best the sooner you take it and you might never have felt that much worse. The other problem is that you might be like my husband and end up rebounding. He didn’t get Paxlovid for round 2 because by then we were on vacation in Vermont and there is no longer a pharmacy within half an hour of our cabin and we have no cell service there, making the whole process difficult. He ended up being just as sick and more tired for round two. It was 15 days from his first positive test to his last one.

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I also had swelling/pain after each covid vaccine on the side of my neck and armpits (all 4 times on the injection side). Read somewhere it was a good sign (??) that the “germinal centers” were being activated to produce B cells or something, though it felt quite unpleasant. Maybe something similar happened with your covid infection, accounting for your relatively mild symptoms? Haven’t had covid (yet) but fingers crossed!

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Yes, a recent infection should provide some protection against the same variant that is probably still the common one now. But also, an outdoor beach event is likely much lower risk than an indoor restaurant (where you actually did get the virus).

My cousin and her husband got Paxlovid. He rebounded, she did not.

I’m mainly just really tired. I think I am going to forgo the Paxlovid. I hope I don’t regret it.