Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

Something I’ve noticed today is I’ve been sneezing a bit. I just read that sneezing with Covid is more common in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. In any case, that would make me even more capable of spreading it. Will stay home until I test negative.


I tested again this evening using a home kit. Still negative although I am feeling very slightly sick. Not even the faintest line.

It was a whole weekend of playing games and indoor eating so not all outside by any means. I’m assuming we got Omicron 5.

My Covid seems to have morphed. I have been feeling like I have bad hayfever-LOTs of sneezing, watery eyes, and runny nose. Still don’t feel awful or scary bad, just different from how I originally felt.

Don’t recall reading about these kinds of symptoms so much, so I thought some of you might find this interesting.


It was the weirdest feeling. We never felt that bad but we had all these symptoms. I’m sure it was the vaccine working but it certainly felt odd

Well it behooves
Us to as this every
Few days b/c
I just tested
Positive on Saturday :frowning:

Hope you have a mild course. Take care.

Ugh sorry to hear that.

For those contemplating Paxlovid…

H and I have not had Covid. He is retired and I still work, in an academic health care setting. At least not that we know of have we had it! Both of us vaxed and double boosted.

I was on a trip with D2 about a month ago and at the end of the trip she tested positive after we drove home in the car together a couple of hours. She was visiting us also from out of town so “quarantined” at our house until we all felt comfortable with her driving back to her apt, 2.5 hours away. We did our best at the house keeping separate or masked. I set up two disinfectant stations with supplies. She was home for about 5 days before she returned home. Still, neither H or I got any symptoms. We tested maybe 3 times to be sure - and for me to feel safe to go to work.

I still mask going into a busy store. Masking is just no big deal to me. Wearing a mask doesn’t mean we aren’t “living our lives” - lol, that makes me snarkily chuckle when I hear people say that just because someone masks and is a little cautious (guess what I would also not walk down an unsafe street at night in the dark - is that not living my life?!!).

I was extra cautious (masking in work meetings) the last couple of weeks because we were going on a family vacation and I wasn’t taking any chances I could avoid!!!


After 3 negative tests while I was gradually feeling worse, I finally tested positive last night. It took fever 101 for the test to come out positive. My D got so worried that I took the covid pills. So far, I don’t feel any side effects other than bitter taste in my mouth. I am sure I have taken worse things than covid pills during my lifetime.


I would have taken them also if I had a fever. Still on the fence if I made the right decision. Feel better soon!

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SOOOO satisfying to tear up, have the major tickle feeling, and then have that enormous sneeze!

NOT fun to have all the above, only to have the sneeze NOT happen, leaving you a sniffling crying mess with no closure!

Just took some cold medicine, hoping to get a break from the hay fever-like symptoms. I feel like my friend used to get in high school after being in my house for 5 minutes with our cats roaming around. Feels much more like allergies than a viral illness.

I did not have the allergy symptoms, mainly fatigue and a wicked sore throat.

I did not have my second booster but DH did and I think that’s why is case was a bit milder than mine.

Hope your case is very mild and you are on the mend quickly.

My daughter is on day 8 of her Covid infection. Still has stuffy nose and fatigue; lost of taste is back just a smidge. She said the fatigue was gone Wednesday-Friday, but is now back. She did a home test today which shows a faint line; her plan is still to mask in the house (around her husband and 3 yo) and continue sleeping in the guest room. Once she is symptom free, I think she will rejoin the family; her daughter is ready for some momma snuggles!

My daughter is so my husband’s child. Everyone else gets a slight cold, the 2 of them end up with fever, fatigue and sick for days. They both have been know to have pneumonia or meningitis when everyone else in the family had a cold at the same time. I was not surprised that she seems to be sicker than most.

Just one data point about Paxlovid FWIW. My D had a sore throat and fever briefly but tested negative twice and assumed it was a cold. When her boyfriend got sick a few days later, they took the test again. Both came out positive . By then, my D was more than 5 days into and getting better. Too late to take Paxlovid. Her boyfriend took it immediately. It would be his second day. He got better immediately, just about normal by the end of the third day. It took my D longer to get there without taking Paxlovid. We all had the same symptom, a sore throat, 101 degree fever that didn’t last long. I have had the second round of Paxlovid this morning. I had one coughing fit today. Since then, I feel almost normal. I still have a slight sore throat and my nose is a little stuffy. Other than that, I don’t feel sick at all.


I finally took some cold medicine. I have hypertension, so I have to be careful with cold medicines. I found a Coricidin formula for colds with sneezing and runny nose, and it helped immensely.

Ready to go back to normal! Nephew from upper west side Manhattan is due in on Tuesday. If I’m still positive, I’m going to miss his whole visit as I will be isolated in my bedroom and he and DH will be having all the fun!

:people_hugging::pray:best wishes, get well soon!

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Looks like there’s a bit of progress on the updated vaccine front:

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