Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

It’s definitely frustrating when we get it (for some of us anyway). Here’s hoping it all goes well for you and your H. Then I hope the natural immunity gives us some protection afterward so that as we age, we’re not getting our “first” case at an even more precarious age.

I figure one has to look toward the potential positives once one has reached the “I’ve got it” stage.

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Was smart to go ahead and get the Rx filled with the idea to take tomorrow if worse.

Feel better soon.

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Sending sympathies, @dietz199 ! Hopefully it will be mild course. A friend online just got it from his HS reunion–almost only one there with a mask on (and ribbed for it), but he let it down a little to talk to people clearly over loud music. And I imagine to eat.

It’s just so pervasive!

Still testing positive. Feel ok, just a little stuffy nose, and I lost smell a couple of days ago.

Kind of a bummer when you feel fine but continue to test positive. Can someone remind me of when I’m allowed to leave the house without worrying about infecting someone if the testing positive thing continues way past any vestige of illness?

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Do you notice if your positive strip is getting more faint?

D2 who had Covid recently - took her 11-12 days to finally test clear though she was feeling good several days before that. There are different variations of “what’s safe” depending what you read, who you work for, etc.

You know you’ll test negative eventually. I would look for most symptoms to be gone and then just be selective where you go, AND wear a mask for a bit at those places.


According to kids, it is five days if you don’t have a fever. That is CDC guidelines. Somewhere I read you can test positive long after from dead virus. CDC prefers to go with days than testing, it said. But Prez Biden is testing.

Depends on the test. PCR tests are more likely to do this than antigen tests (and result in unnecessary additional quarantine). Antigen tests may be a better proxy of contagiousness.

Of course, when leaving the house, going to uncrowded outdoor areas poses minimal risk to others, compared to (for example) eating in an indoor restaurant.

I thought the CDC was 5 days isolate then 5 days with a mask. That’s what we did with my latest coworker. Of course, she’s still all congested and coughing even after her second round of prednisone and antibiotics. It’ll be 3 weeks Friday. She was vaxd and boosted, though just once as she turns 50 a couple of weeks after me.

Nobody seems to have caught it from her. We have our own cubbies but share air space 8 hours/day and nobody wears masks including me. I have been running my air purifier though

Antibiotics would be for something other than COVID-19 (or other viral infections).

It is also possible that she has long (or medium) COVID-19, meaning symptoms that persist significantly after clearing the virus.

Her doctor gives her antibiotics for everything assuming a secondary sinus infection, which she is prone to. He’s the one that gave them to her earlier this year without testing for anything. Wound up being strep and needing a different antibiotic.

She’s also on various cough meds and decongestants. She sounds miserable


Well, I am on my 8th positive test. But still symptomatic even though not severely so. I guess I will continue to isolate until this weekend, then will go out with a mask on. I’d rather err on the safe side in terms of exposing others, but I’m bored! I’m insisting that DH and my nephew keep our dinner reservations tonight (it’s my birthday today), but it sucks lol!

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Happy Birthday!!! You have all year to celebrate, it’s ok to sit TODAY out. Hoping that test line takes a hike soon for you!

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I’m so sorry!!! Happy birthday though! You get permission for a do-over whenever it suits you!


Happy Birthday! Sorry you’re going through this.

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I tested positive on Tuesday and tested negative 8 days later. I went out on the 6th day to fill a prescription, and wore a mask.

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I don’t think they are as strict about testing once you’ve passed 5 days. I used this CDC calculator which makes no mention of re-testing:


While I’m glad to read of people actually isolating until they test negative, I really don’t think most people do so. If they don’t wear masks and avoid crowded places during times of high transmission, they don’t care if they get covid and most likely don’t care if others get it, either.

The CDC only suggests testing to exit isolation if people want to. And it’s not in the calculator. They say people should mask until 10 days, but, again, if they weren’t masking before, I doubt they will mask unless someone who knows about their covid dx insists upon it.

I should add that perhaps people will isolate around their friends/loved ones, and if they exit isolation after Day 5, mask around them, too. But do so around the general public? No. Why would they, when they are already not following CDC’s guidance?


I fall somewhere on average about the mask. I wear it if required without complaints but otherwise not overly zealous about it. And I plan to wear it for the next few days when I go out. I am on day 7 since symptoms appeared, day 5 since the initial positive test. I assume most people are like me and they will wear a mask when needed. We don’t need to highlight extremes and get discouraged. Yes, there will be no maskers but there are murderers, child rapists, swindlers,… And we don’t highlight them.


You must not live where I do, then…very few masks anywhere. I am not highlighting the extreme – the extreme is the norm.

Oh, and I was in another part of the country recently, in a state whose governor used to brag how great they were about covid mitigation strategy compliance. No different now than where I live.


I’m seeing a good number of masks in southern Maine. I’m not wearing one, though. No COVID yet, but I figure I will get it at some point.