Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

No, the total amount of mRNA is (for adult doses) is the same as for the previous booster:

Company Primary dose Booster dose Bivalent booster dose
Pfizer 30µg 30µg 30µg
Moderna 100µg 50µg 50µg

The bivalent booster dose mRNA is half for the ancestral virus and half for the BA.4/BA.5 variant (i.e. 15µg each for Pfizer, 25µg each for Moderna).

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Sister works for a HUGE health care company, whose name is 3 letters (figured it out yet?). She has worked from home since spring of 2020. She has been vaccine reluctant, not exactly sure why (she is to the right of the political spectrum). She goes into the office maybe once every week or 2.

I guess she was given an ultimatum—get vaxxed or find a new job. FINALLY, THANKFULLY, she chose to keep her job and is now vaccinated.

Amazing how one’s “convictions” can take a back seat to “mortgage” and “food”.

Her grandson just started kindergarten. I assume she’s OK with the vaccinations required to attend school???


A co-worker that I have always enjoyed works for a large children’s hospital. She told me last week she was leaving her job because they were going to (or were talking about requiring) require a booster(s) in addition to the first 2 shot series. She did not want to get it so she resigned. I was sort of shocked. And then she said the hospital backtracked on that requirement but she had already submitted her resignation and found another job - in her kids school. :thinking:

I just received my flu shot and the new Pfizer bivalent Covid booster at my neighborhood Walgreens in GA. They have already turned down 2 elderly couples who signed up because they had already had the primary series and 2 boosters (4 shots). The nurse confirmed with me that this location will not giving a 5th shot to anyone today. I felt bad as one of the people turned down was upset because she is immunocompromised while I am a healthy individual in my mid-40’s.

that sucks. I thought if you had your 4th shot at a certain time ago you could get the new one. I have an appointment at my Walgreens, but have only had 3, so hopefully it will actually happen.

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One of the individuals said that she had gotten her 2nd booster back in March, so I was shocked. I would have thought that would have been long enough. She was really upset.

I see no such requirement around NYC. They only ask if you had your last shot 2 months ago. They are giving it to everyone who wants a booster now. They are not offering old booster any more.

Very inappropriate of that pharmacist


Let us know if you have any reactions.

Wow. If they are going to limit who gets it because of supply issues, that couple should have been at the front of the line to get it. They had every right to be upset. This is NOT what the CDC intended to happen (I listened to their ACIP meeting last Thursday).


So far so good. It has been about an hour. I felt an initial slight soreness at the injection site, but I took some Tylenol once I got home and currently feel completely normal.

I am hoping that this is just a misinterpretation of the guidance by my local Walgreens and not something that is happening everywhere else. My Dad has an appointment at his local Walgreens in Maryland right now and has had the primary series and 2 boosters (4th shot was in early April).

Stay Up to Date with COVID-19 Vaccines Including Boosters | CDC only says to get the updated (bivalent) booster at least two months after the last shot. It does not limit based on number of previous boosters.

So that Walgreens seems to be in error.


I was stunned by what I saw. It doesn’t make any sense because the people who are most at risk have probably had 4 shots. The only other person who got the new vaccine while I was there was maybe 30 years old, while two couples who were past retirement age were turned away.

Just made my appoint for Shot 5 at a local boutique pharmacy—couldn’t get an appointment until the 19th, but i can also look into my county’s site though they have closed all but one, on the opposite side of the county from me, so it would be a pain to go to.

Yesterday, I was at a local Wawa (far south Jersey) and there was a couple in line ahead of me, a bit older than me I would guess. I had my mask on, no one else in store wearing one except for the salesclerk. Guy in couple is coughing and hacking, says to wife–“I just got OVER Covid!” – apparently afraid he has it again. Wife and him agree it is all around area. Then he goes on to announce loudly, to the entire store: “But I’ll never get the vaccine! That will kill you! It kills everyone who gets it!” and wife nodded in agreement.

I kept my thoughts to myself, and kept my distance. Very glad I had my mask on.

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Maybe he just has some kind of long COVID now… or something else like flu… but coughing all over the place is not very nice to everyone else in any case.

Nope. Nor is loudly announcing that vaccines will kill you. (And I bet he doesn’t believe in “long Covid” either, not that he might not have it.)

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My daughter just made an appointment for 6 pm today. I got an appointment for my husband and me tomorrow morning at 10 since we didn’t feel like getting out tonight.

I posted how easy it was to get an appointment on my Facebook page. I wrote that if there are any negative replies, I will quickly delete them without apology.

I have an appointment for this afternoon. D is getting it tonight along with a flu shot at school. H is going next week because he just got a shingles shot and the pharmacist recommended waiting a bit longer in between.

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ML: CVS or Walgreens? Moderna or Pfizer? (I’m seeing a bunch of available appointments at CVS but can’t tell if its teh bivalent serum, or if their site just has not been updated.)