Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

CVS told me they are only giving the bivalent boosters now.

CVS - Pfizer bivalent. The site specified it. I did NOT see it specified a few days ago, so that’s why I waited.

thanks ML & momofboiler.

Note that Stay Up to Date with COVID-19 Vaccines Including Boosters | CDC says that “For people ages 12 years and older, the only authorized mRNA booster is the updated (bivalent) booster. People ages 12 years and older can no longer get the original (monovalent) mRNA booster.”

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I mentioned the issue of vaccine and dose mixups that I heard at the ACIP meeting last Thursday. Here is an article that describes that: COVID: Pfizer, Moderna omicron bivalent boosters confuse providers

Was your father able to receive the booster?

I’ve moved up my planned booster date to the third week of Sept. My shingles shot next Wed is non-negotiable. I’ve been waiting for that one for years! But, I agreed to go to an outdoor college football game Oct. 1, so I think I’ll shoot for the end of the week prior. Hopefully, that’ll give me (and H) a bit of (but not full) boost before the game, but still have a decent amount of protection for Xmas/NY in Europe. It doesn’t seem like there are a shortage of appointments for CVS around here which isn’t surprising.

In other news, my co-worker’s mom (mid 80s) tested positive. Started having symptoms (fever, bad cough, etc) last Thursday, but didn’t tell her that she was sick until Sunday night. She wasn’t able to reach her doctor until Tuesday and was thus outside the 5 day window. She does seem to be on the upswing at least. Co-worker’s Dad started having symptoms today, so co-worker went to go do a home test. She texted me it was negative and said “Well maybe he just has something else!” Umm
 They’ve been locked in an 800 SF house together for several days. He has covid. I told her how it can take 3-4 days to show up on a home test and she replied. “My mom’s turned positive after 5 min.” Didn’t you test her on day 4 though? “Oh yeah
” But I hope he turns positive officially, so he can get on Paxlovid since his health isn’t very good. They are both vax’d and boosted once back in Dec. or so.

And in sadder news, a local 17 y.o. got covid last week and it attacked his liver. He is now on a ventilator and on a liver transplant list.

Did he get paxlovid or the new bivalent vaccine? It is sad.

I have no idea. There’s just a prayer request going around. I would guess no. Our area only has a ~35% vax rate for 12-17 year olds as well, so I would guess he wasn’t vax’d, but who knows.

Got it, I get it now that the ‘it’ in your post meant covid :upside_down_face:

Ahh. I see the confusion. I edited my post for clarity.

They told my Dad the same thing. He was denied receiving the new Moderna booster because he has already had 4 total shots (primary series and 2 previous boosters).

Where are they getting this information from? That’s awful to deny the exact people that need the booster without official guidance.


You might want to try a different pharmacy chain.

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Seems like the Walgreens stores need to read the chain’s own policy: Walgreens Now Offering Appointments for Updated COVID-19 Pfizer and Moderna Boosters | Walgreens Newsroom

But then perhaps it may be better just to go elsewhere.

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My mom and I are getting our boosters in a week at Walgreens. On their website it only asked when was the last time we were vaccinated. We were vaccinated 6 months ago and we were given appts.

However, if your local Walgreens makes the same mistake that @ChangeTheGame mentioned two different stores making, the refusal to give the vaccine happens at the store, not on the web site.

I would tell you to call and ask your Walgreens, but my Dad and the people at my local Walgreens were able to set an appointment online as well only to be turned away once they arrived.

No problem getting my bivalent booster today at CVS. D got hers in another state as well (also CVS).

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I am pretty certain they won’t turn me away. I know the guidelines and would be happy to Google it for them.

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