Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

Does he have a sufficient supply of antigen tests to start using after symptoms go away?

He has three and I am supplying more if needed, along with his favorite mashed potatoes :slight_smile:


Research studies indicate that reinfections are usually less severe. Of course, there can be substantial individual variation, so the people you are hearing about may be the unlucky ones.

There could also be other variables. For example, an earlier infection may have started with a small viral load because the person was being somewhat careful (e.g. masking indoors, although they may not have had an N95-level mask so that some virus still got through) but the reinfection could have occurred with a larger initial viral load because the person was no longer being careful and neither was anyone else (e.g. going to crowded indoor restaurants and bars frequently).

What was the interval between infections, and what variants were predominant during each infection?

“A preliminary study from Washington University in St. Louis looked at the health records of more than 5.4 million Veterans Administration patients. The researchers found that those who had COVID-19 more than once had double the odds of having or dying from a heart attack compared with those who’d had COVID-19 just once. Lung, kidney, and gastrointestinal health risks were also greater among the reinfected.”

Actually, evidence is accumulating that re-infection can definitely be worse for a person.

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The cumulative health risk of additional infections increases with each one, even though each infection is usually less severe than the previous one.

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the more interesting preliminary finding to me is the apparent lack of vax effectiveness:

the risks were evident in those who were unvaccinated, had 1 shot, or 2 or more shots prior to the second infection

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Of course, the risk of getting reinfected in the first place is lower if vaccinated, since hybrid immunity is stronger than infection-only (or vaccination-only), even if not 100%.


well sure, but that’s not the point of these prelims, which is that reinfection gets worse regardless of vax status.

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My son just tested positive in the psych hospital. He never got the last booster because he was hospitalized the whole time. They said he is complaining of general achiness plus a headache. He doesn’t have a fever. They’ve moved him to an isolation unit. They’re not sure if he will be able to attend the guardianship hearing via Zoom on Wednesday.

Ok this is going to be a complaint. So if you don’t want to hear about it, please scroll on by.

My husband and I are not doing much socializing but we have a couple that we go to lunch with. Try to go once a week but it’s less than that. We feel that the husband of the couple really wants to get out and have adult conversation. He and my husband are friends. I’m friendly with the wife but any plans go through the men.

Today we go to lunch and the wife has a terrible cold. That she got from her great grandchild. Sneezing and coughing, horse voice. We had no idea and were a little taken aback.

This is the thing. Our daughter is severely immunocompromised. As she’s going through chemo. We are going there next week, if we aren’t sick.

I had a cold 2 weeks ago. I stayed away from people but I did have a hair appointment. I took a covid test and texted my stylist to ask if she was ok with it. She was ok with my coming and actually by the time of my appointment, I was feeling almost back to normal. But I thought it was important to let her know.

Do you inform people now if you are feeling sick? We would have not gone had we known. Because if we get this cold, we won’t be able to see our kids for Christmas.

I did say that my son and family might not be able to come to daughters if any of them are sick. And the baby has been sick a lot. Do you think she understood? She’s still going to bunco tonight, I’m glad I didn’t decide to go.

The hospital did not get the latest booster to offer to patients and staff?

Yes I do. But I also did pre-covid.


Good question, we didn’t ask. I don’t believe he had it but I will check. We’ve been so worried about his mental health that I didn’t think about COVID.

It’s always something! Best wishes for a speedy recovery for him.

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I’m so sorry. May he be well soon.


I would definitely inform people. Actually, in an intimate gathering, I just wouldn’t go. I was at a funeral today, and my cousin and her husband were hanging back because he is sick. (They don’t know it’s covid, but they don’t test and aren’t vaxxed. Sigh). I kept a big distance.

She also told me she doesn’t think they have ever had it, because they are out and about so they have better immune systems. Sigh again.

Generally, yes, but definitely yes if its a good friend and I know that they are (or have in the house) an immunocomprised family member.


Always both before Covid and now, except for school where it’s common to have sickness and still be expected to show up unless a fever is involved.

Now I’m more likely to just not go somewhere if I’m sick - not even to the store. I figure people don’t want colds or Covid.

This makes sense with Covid causing so many blood clots even if there aren’t other symptoms.


Is this still the case with omicron? Just curious if you know because it doesn’t seem to have been discussed much recently.

I haven’t heard differently and people are still dying. It’s still one of the very first questions asked when medical lad sees new stroke victims (did you have Covid in the past 6 months?).