Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

No. I gave that up at work long ago. I haven’t seen a mask anywhere in our building in months. Occasionally, I will wear one to a meeting depending on the room, length, and number of people, but nobody else does. But also, H gave up masking this year, so I figured he’d be the one to bring it home from school. I do run my air purifier in my cubicle fairly regularly, especially if I hear sniffling/coughing of any kind.

My son, who came across the country for his grandma’s funeral, is still stranded in his hotel with COVID. His antigen test was positive last Friday, and Thursday PCR came back positive early Saturday. He was exposed the previous Tuesday.

I am bringing him food every day and saying hello in the parking lot. He cancelled his flight for tomorrow. His antigen tests are still strongly positive: he says they turn positive in 20 seconds.

This is expensive of course. He is still glad he came even if he was on the periphery of services. But I wonder how long this is going to go on. He knows the CDC says 5 days is enough but he would like two negative tests before getting on a plane.

There is no prohibition against flying anymore when one has covid. Of course many of us would choose not to, but if the cost of hotel is a burden he could choose to fly home.


He knows that but is unwilling to fly until antigen test is negative.


It could take a long time to test negative and he’s likely not contagious after 5 days. These are the current CDC guidelines about isolation:

If you had no symptoms

You may end isolation after day 5.

If you had symptoms and:

Your symptoms are improving

You may end isolation after day 5 if:

  • You are fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication).

Your symptoms are not improving

Continue to isolate until:

  • You are fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication).
  • Your symptoms are improving. 1

When I had COVID-19, I had only minor symptoms went away after 6-7 days. But it took until day 13 before antigen tests were negative (up to day 10 were instant obvious positives, day 12 faint).

So he should not be surprised if it takes until late next week to go negative on antigen tests.


@Mwfan1921 he knows all this. He is smart and considerate, and 36, not a kid, so he is doing what he is doing.

@ucbalumnus thanks: that is what I expected and told him it could be awhile. So when would you fly?

He still has symptoms and lost taste and smell yesterday. He does the research. It is really up to him. I think he is perhaps overly conscientious at times. I foresee him spending the weekend here and then flying, which will be enough time for sure. And maybe I could even see him!


If he wants to avoid being a spreader, he should wait until a negative antigen test.

Otherwise, if he believes that no one else cares any more, there is no constraint.

He is waiting for two negatives.

BTW he hasn’t exactly lost smell and taste. It’s more like distortion. He ate a sandwich and the mayo tasted like disinfectant. I took him some yellow mustard at his request. He is hoping a strong taste won’t resemble Lestoil.

I live in a small one bedroom …wish I could put him up!

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While I applaud your son your being so careful, many people would fly while positive or still with symptoms. Heck, many people would not even test at all.

I am hearing people are getting sicker when infected multiple times. They are my European colleagues. We have someone who is infected for the third time this year. She said the first time it was a non event, but this third time around has really knocked her down.
Someone on my team in the US was also very sick with her recent infection.
They have all been vaccinated (not sure if boosted).
I posted in another thread…I was at a conference in Florida and I was the only one wearing a mask. Some of them came from a conference in Vegas where they had over 5000 people, which I did not attend.

Thanks for sharing. Quite enlightening on choices we may all face, and various risk / benefit calculations we each face.
Hope he has confidence in his health care providers, I am surprised that waiting for two negative tests is still a practice.

My son is aware of the CDC guidelines. But he is quite symptomatic.
Ending Isolation and Precautions for People with COVID-19: Interim Guidance (

I recently read an article critical of the CDC guidelines and suggesting two negative tests. I still see a variety of protocols. Honestly, I have no idea. I think guidelines vary so much that it comes down to personality.

I am not discussing any of this with him. He is 36 years old. He is making his own decisions and is a very bright, research-oriented person.

I appreciate the efforts to reassure but, again, advice is all over the place and his decisions aren’t in my control anyway. If I were him, I would probably also wait for a negative test (if symptomatic) as have most of my friends.

I am not going to post on this anymore lest it turn into a debate :slight_smile:


I thank you, :grinning:it is very helpful to hear his experience, &, I appreciate your time and caring to share. I have not been paying attention to protocols til you mentioned. It is a personal decision, certainly.:grinning:


Hope you son starts feeling better soon. It’s no fun being sick away from home.

Again it sounds like your son is a mature thoughtful fellow and you have so much to be proud of.


The CDC time based guidelines (5 and 10 days) are not reliable in terms of ensuring that one is no longer contagious after those periods, if positive antigen tests indicate contagiousness.


@Compmom–I just want to say, congratulations on raising such a conscientious young man. Wishing speedy restored good health to him.


I also commend @compmom 's son. He’s considerate of others for sure. Wish more people were like him.


let alone still very symptomatic…