Vaccine reluctance & General COVID Discussion

Speaking of Paxlovid, experts believe it is vastly underprescribed.

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yes, according to the manufacturer, paxlovid is under prescribed. But Iā€™m skeptical of the benefits for young healthy & vaccinated, not to mention the contraindications.

Personally would not get.

We are talking about being underprescibed in the population it was approved for. This study is cited in the SP/ST article I posted above.

Including this:

ā€œ Even among those 65 and older, the portion who got an antiviral pill was just 20%. Patients who made higher incomes or were male were more likely to get it. The study cited confusion and unclear guidance. A more recent study found that Black and Hispanic patients were about one-third less likely to get Paxlovid than white patients.ā€

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Paxlovid is not approved for young and healthy people. It is EUA approved only for those at high risk, and is underprescribed in that population per the several links provided by @bunsenburner. Here is the EUA indication from the product insert:

ā€¦ for the treatment of mild-to-moderate
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in adults and pediatric patients
(12 years of age and older weighing at least 40 kg) with positive results
of direct severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
(SARS-CoV-2) viral testing, and who are at high risk for progression to
severe COVID-19, including hospitalization or death.


Re: on Paxlovid use

ā€œHigh riskā€ is footnoted, with a link to Underlying Medical Conditions Associated with Higher Risk for Severe COVID-19: Information for Healthcare Professionals | CDC , although that page is not specifically about Paxlovid, and consequently does not draw a line at a certain age to recommend or not recommend using Paxlovid solely based on age.

Iā€™m not sure your point. Paxlovidā€™s EUA age limitation governs use. The link to covid at risk conditions merely shows who is at risk (and would thus meet those limitations of Paxlovidā€™s EUA).

Young AND unvaccinated are considered high risk per CDC.

The document you linked only says ā€œ12 years of age and older weighing at least 40 kgā€ ā€œand who are at high risk for progression to severe COVID-19, including hospitalization or deathā€, so it is unclear at what level advanced age alone (versus having some other specified pre-existing condition) may cross the threshold for the ā€œhigh riskā€.

Ah, I understand your pointā€¦but I donā€™t see young and unvaccinated on CDCā€™s list of at risk people, but could have missed itā€¦do u have a link? If that group is on the list, CDC must have data supporting that.

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Iā€™m thinking if H and I opt to get the 4th booster it will be at the end of this month, shortly before we head south for 6 weeks. That ought to allow it to be most effective.


Presumably you mean the bivalent one with BA.5, since that is closer to the current variants than the vaccines against the ancestral virus.

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70 yr old BIL ran a fever of 104 for 2 days when he contracted COVID, and never mind not taking Paxlovid, he didnā€™t even check with his doctor!!!

My guy tells me that those who still die of Covid generally get to the hospital too late for them to help. Iā€™m sure thatā€™s not 100% the case as all of us will die from something when our bodies reach our limit, but itā€™s far different now than at the beginning.

Iā€™m glad your BIL was ok.

I came across this in my Google feed this morning. I guess someone had to start the, as of now, unfounded story:

I recall incidences making the news of people getting hit by baseballs, people, or other items and having cardiac events. Itā€™s rare, but Iā€™ve heard of them on the news Pre-Covid. Itā€™s something about the impact that shocks the heart in a bad way if I recall correctly. Considering the circumstances, this is more likely to have happened in Hamlinā€™s experience I would think.

Iā€™m hopeful we get more of an update as they learn more. I shudder to think of any youngster going through what happened.

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Comodio cordis has been long known in ER circles. Used to occur more in traffic accidents ā€“ before air bags were commonplace ā€“ as drivers would hit the steering when with their chest.

Back in the dark ages, I used to volunteer and teach CPR courses, and back then, we taught folks the precordial thump ā€“ a big whack on the center of the breastbone ā€“ in the idea that it might reverse fib by shocking the heart back into rythm.


BBC has an interesting story out looking at the group of folks promoting and being mislead by these sudden deaths. I was amazed at how many of them there are in a year - sudden cardiac deaths in the young, etc, not caused by Covid vaxxes considering Covid didnā€™t even exist when these studies were done.

From the article:

In what has become a familiar pattern since Covid vaccines became available about two years ago, several influential accounts used the event to spread anti-vaccination content.

They included the Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, who tweeted: ā€œBefore the covid vaccines we didnā€™t see athletes dropping dead on the playing field like we do nowā€¦ Time to investigate the covid vaccines.ā€


That tweet was viewed around a million times within a day. But the idea that young, healthy athletes have never collapsed suddenly before Covid vaccines is easily disproven.

A US study looking at athletes over four years found many unexplained deaths were in fact caused by cardiac arrest - a cause more common in male and African-American players.

A study from 2016 notes that there are approximately 100 to 150 sudden cardiac deaths during competitive sports in the United States each year.

I really wish more humans were thoughtful, looking into things properly (fact checking), instead of just believing the first thing they want to hear because someone said it or made a very untruthful movie about it, ESPECIALLY someone voted into leadership in the US.


I think Iā€™ve mentioned before, but one of Sā€™ teammateā€™s heart stopped while playing a soccer game. He was super fortunate that two of our parents are doctors and ran over and started CPR immediately. And, that the life saving crew was around the corner eating dinner. It was a rural county, so response times can often be lengthy. He is fine now, but did lose his soccer scholarship. And yes, this was long before covidā€¦

Iā€™m super glad in your case and Hamlinā€™s that medical folks were around - and that we have the age of modern medicine that we have. Like with Covid or pretty much any ailment/incident, far more would have died 100 years ago.

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In 1971 a player named Chuck Hughes died on the field in very similar circumstances. He was hit by another player (it was quite the blow), got up lined up for the next play and during the play simply collapsed. They attempted to resuscitate him but were unsuccessful. I donā€™t think the players were aware he had died at that point. There was less than 2 minutes left in the game. There was no Covid or vaccine at that time so unless there is far more evidence Iā€™m not inclined to believe that it played a roll in his heart stoppage.


I was actually watching this match live, when it happened.