Valedictorian Speech Cut off at the Name of Christ

<p>How about we just agree that smart folks are smart, regardless of religious inclinations? Is that so hard?</p>

<p>that's tantamount to saying that the world is in perfect harmony, which it isn't.</p>

<p>believing in a certain faith does not in itself make one lose IQ. it is not a causation relationship. BUT, statistics (no link, sorry) suggest that as a WHOLE, the more religious tend to be less intelligent. and no, this Baptist guy you know who's a rocket scientist does not disprove statistics.</p>

<p>That's not CAUSAL per se. Correlation is not causation, ne?</p>

<p>And while atheism seems to breed intellectualism in many cases, it also seems to lead to issues with community and belonging, so it may well be a double-edged sword.</p>

<p>Either way, this discussion has no bearing on the discussion.</p>

<p>I'm always leary of people who need to shout what a good Christian they are from the rooftops. People will be moved moved by the val's actions as a Christian girl in the long run then because she made a speech broadcasting it.</p>

<p>MissTi, you must be heaven-sent. </p>

<p>In Matthew Chapter 6, Verse 6, the apostle says: </p>

<p>"And now about prayer. When you pray, don't be like the hypocrites who love to pray publicly on street corners and in the synagogues where everyone can see them. I assure, that is all the reward they will ever get." </p>

<p>In Verse 16, the apostle continues: </p>

<p>"And when you fast, don't make it obvious, as the hypocrites do, who try to look pale and disheveled so people will admire them for fasting. I assure you, that is the only reward they will ever get." </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

Why, because she is a devout Christian? Her faith in our Lord Jesus Christ makes her an unlikely candidate for valedictorian... how?


<p>Not at all; instead, because her inability to distinguish what is and what is not appropriate in a public and (relatively) formal setting suggests a lack of common sense, and thus general unintelligence.</p>

I think it runs a little deeper than that. There is nothing that leftists despise more than Christianity. It is true hatred. They will attempt to stamp it out every opportunity they can, through political action and verbal ridicule of its adherents.


I am a pretty leftist catholic and so are most of my friends. i wouldnt categorize a whole political background that way just as i dont categorize all conservatives. actually, most of my conservative friends are atheists so i live the exact opposite. then again, i live in san francisco and went to a jesuit high school.
praising God is fine; giving thanks for success is wonderful. but don't preach during a graduation ceremony.</p>

praising God is fine; giving thanks for success is wonderful. but don't preach during a graduation ceremony.


I think this says it all.</p>

<p>"I am a pretty leftist catholic and so are most of my friends... then again, i live in san francisco and went to a jesuit high school."</p>

<p>That says it all. Those darn Jesuits! ;)</p>

<p>(Actually, I hope to enter the Jesuit novitiate in a couple of years. As a politically conservative and theologically orthodox Catholic, though, I expect to be a rare bird.)</p>

<p>I love the Jesuits, even if I disagree with some of them. Fides: if you want conservative, enter the New Orleans province, it's the most conservative, I believe.</p>

<p>Also: people wonder why I mock people on CC.</p>

<p>"think it runs a little deeper than that. There is nothing that leftists despise more than Christianity."</p>

<p>Clearly, you must know only a narrow spectrum of Christians. I got to a church in which most people are leftist and also are Christians.</p>

<p>It's important to realize that the Christian religious right does not represent all Christians even though they try to act like they do.</p>

<p>"Clearly, you must know only a narrow spectrum of Christians. I got to a church in which most people are leftist and also are Christians."</p>

<p>Hey, the situation is the same at my church. I bet if I took a poll, a good 80% of the parishioners would categorize themselves as "liberal" -- including the priest. And in terms of classical liberalism, I would include myself.</p>

<p>The problem with contemporary liberalism is that it is essentially secularist socialism that sneers at religion, particularly Christianity. It has become an atheistic, morally relativistic ideology. Almost everything that it stands for goes against the moral teachings of Christianity. Simply put, Christians who embrace contemporary liberalism are either bad Christians (dissidents) or don't know enough about politics to realize that contemporary liberalism is clearly an enemy of their faith. I would like to think that most of them fall into the latter category.</p>

<p>Why else would a Christian support anti-Christianity?</p>


<p>"the liberals sneer at christainity?" Why? Could it be that Christainity has been the world's most dominate religion since oh say 1400? </p>

<p>Hey the Christains won, it really is unnessary to pull out the "we're perscuted" stuff...hey you guys won. Your the man. </p>

<p>The man is going to catch some grief just by being the man. But you go on talking about how you are the minority being snubbed by all. It isn't true, but if it works for you...</p>

<p>Did you ever think that people who already have to sit down for a 3 to 4 hour program JUST WANT TO SEE THEIR KIDS GET THEIR DIPLOMA? </p>

<p>And it is totally inappropriate FOR ANYONE FOR ANY REASON to use that time for any personal remarks? </p>

<p>Could you agree with that concept of courtesy and not consider it an attack on Christainity this one time? Is it possible to believe that the lord is a considerate entity?</p>

<p>Well, while freedom of speech is protected, the judiciary has always allowed the moderation and control of such speech when it occurs under the auspice of a school. My salutatorian speech was not literally proof read by the principal, but she had me read it and practice it in front of her a day before the day of graduation.</p>

<p>One of the two co-valedictorians was initially prohibited from speaking in public during the ceremony due to the fact he insulted 2 administrators, got himself suspended twice in the last semester, and was rather outspoken on his anti-Semitic points of view. Eventually he wasn't even allowed into the ceremony when he insulted the principal the morning before the graduation.</p>