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<p>So..I read this article, and I'm wondering what you all think.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I think Kingswood should make Karen Scherr the valedictorian. Treatment was obviously more important than sitting there suffering, and she still managed to keep up her work. That's a true valedictorian effort. Plus she was meant to be it for the past 4 years anyway. The salutarian doesn't even want to completely accept the title, saying it would be a "hollow victory". I know every valedictorian out there certainly does not seem fit to receive the award, but she prevailed and didn't give up like most kids her age would probably do, which makes me believe she deserves the title.</p>

<p>I know some would say, well she probably had her eye on this forever, but I still think staying in a hospital for so many months and still keeping up with school is amazing. She even said she didn't mind if she didn't get the title.</p>

<p>The administration at Kingswood high is the most ridiculous that i've ever seen. I voted for her valedictorianship.So far the results are:</p>

<p>Yes: 86%
No: 9%
Dont care: 2%
give her "honorary valecdictorian" title : 1%</p>

<p>2% don't care. amen.</p>

<p>Texans can be so backwards sometimes, a la King George II. </p>

<p>"Good men must not obey the laws too well."
"Laws without morals are useless."</p>

<p>Just give the girl her valedictory title; even the person whom the school wants to give it to is saying that.</p>

<p>Rules are rules plain and simple, if you do the crime, you must pay the time. Karen and her parents knew the restrictions for attendance and kept her skinny self in Oklahoma anyways for the treatment. Who honestly cares anyways, she will get into a top school regardless, although she probably won't use most of her food plan. :)</p>

<p>if you do the crime, you must pay the time.</p>

<p>So getting ill is a crime? If thats so, dying would be sin!! hahaah</p>

<p>Who honestly cares anyways</p>

<p>Do you know how to read polls? I guess not.... Read my post above.</p>

<p>she will get into a top school regarless.</p>

<p>That award can be crucial for her. Nobody can tell her chance but the adcoms.</p>

<p>And yes, Texas sucks!</p>

<p>She should get the title. If it had been any other disease the school probably wouldn't have had a problem with her missing school because she was sick. It isn't fair to keep the title of valedictorian from a deserving young woman because she became ill.</p>

<p>joev, having an eating disorder is not a joke.<br>
Your comments "she probably won't use most of her meal plan :) " and "her skinny ass" were extremely insensitive and ignorant.</p>

<p>I wouldn't give it to her, I don't mean to come off insensitive, and I know I do, but
First of all, does it really matter? It's just a name.
Second, don't blame the school, they have rules, and she couldnt follow them because of either bad parenting or REALLY LOW self-esteem resulting in anorexia. </p>

<p>I know I have no idea what it's like and I shouldn't say it, but others are thinking it, Why didnt she just toughen up, dig deep, and NOT BE anorexic. I mean, just eat something, God, or wait until the summer for treatment. If she really cared that much to complain to national media, she wouldve come back to school and NOT BE ANOREXIC.</p>

<p>I wouldn't give it to her just because she's enough of an uptight witch to bring this to MSNBC.</p>

<p>She looks like she's recovering from the anorexia nicely...</p>

<p>haha i know what you mean!</p>

<p>ccshamrock u dont just fix anorexia by simply saying "well lets eat" lol. </p>

<p>that school district is messed up.</p>

<p>i dont understand why people vote if they are voting for "i dont care"</p>

<p>Now....I see many of you all complaining about her not going by the school's regulations...which she didnt'...technically...BUT...she was enrolled in the school system for 95% of her secondary school career. Now...the problem with the rule is its rigidity...she deserves that valedictorian title...just because she wasn't enrolled for that certain day shouldn't strip her of that opportunity.</p>

<p>And...anorexia is a very deep mental's not only housed in your desire not to's caused by extensive mental truama...and it's a very difficult disorder to a little bit of research on it...treatment includes extensive counseling and, often, medical administration of vital bodily nutrients. Furthermore, when your body becomes so adept to eating so little, your metabolism goes haywire and your brain stops triggering for the sensation of hunger. Your body must slowly adapt to intake after being anorexic for a long time....and suddenly starting to eat could cause long term acid reflux, improper digestion, and uncontrollable vomiting...this was not totally within her control. </p>

<p>I think the school will end up giving her the title, because if they don't, their negative publicity will shoot up and that may harm attendence rates, and consequentially, funding.........she was not right in getting so much publicity...she could've taken it to court, and a judge probably owu'dve invalidated the rule since it was too rigid/unable to serve the function it was meant to.</p>

<p>To those that made a joke out of it ... don't you feel really cool now? You made fun of someone with a disease. Unless you're exceptional althetes, you should not to be talking. </p>

<p>Joev, that was incredibly distasteful. </p>

<p>ieatglue, so she doesn't deserve it because she earned it? I bet if someone took away your APUSH test, you'd be moaning and groaning also. </p>

<p>CCShamrock, it's a lot easier said than done. Evidently our society pushes toward the loss of weight constantly. I've drank before bending under society and although far from being an alcoholic, the thought has occupied me a few days. Had I drank a few more times, chances are I would be alcoholic today. I'm sure all it took was her thought that perhaps she could do it "just a few times...."</p>

<p>Well I dont know much about the case, except what I read on the MSNBC website, but I do sincerely think that if she did a genuine effort, she should get that title.</p>

<p>I guess everyone should understand that whatever we can personally think about anorexia - people with low self-esteem, frustrated persons, no a 'real' disorder, a plain excuse, etc.., it is a disease and will remain as such. </p>

<p>A golden rule we should help others, at least we give a mental support, not condemn them for not being what they should be. Supporting those people does count towards their treatment and rehabilitation in society.</p>

<p>Well, I sincerely believe she should have obtained the title. As for school regulations - no rules or laws do exist without exceptions. Its in our nature to prove contradict everything and prove everythin wrong. That is what differentiates us from animals. Anyway.</p>