Valentine's day woes

<p>Hey everyone. It's been about 4 months since I posted my last thread and I remain dateless. Valentine's day has always been hard for me. I was wondering if there were any singles events happening on campus for lonely people like me. And I don't mean a "singles" party that's really just an excuse for swingers to hook up. I mean something that actual single people go to; the ones who have trouble finding a date.</p>

<p>I don’t want to be mean, but come on man… really? You sulk waaaaay too much. I don’t see why Valentine’s has to be either glorious for couple or depressing for singles. If you don’t got **** to do then treat it like a Tuesday. You are gonna have to start realizing there’s more important things in life than finding a date before college.</p>

<p>If it makes you feel any better: now that I think about it, I have never spent Valentine’s day with anyone in my entire life and I don’t give a ****.</p>

<p>There’s just something about the day that makes you more conscious of being single. Perhaps it’s the fact that it’s shoved in your face by every retailer, or perhaps it’s all of the happy couples parading their way around town. Regardless, it gets a little lonely. I’m sure there are other individuals without a date tomorrow who would rather have one, hence the possibility of a singles event.</p>

<p>I stopped worrying about the opposite sex and my happiness tripled. True story.</p>

<p>lol…my roomates boyfriend just drove up from socal to surprise her and they have been kissing non-stop in her room since…</p>

<p>i would tell them to get a room…but they have one i suppose…hahaha.</p>

<p>edit: she just popped her head into my room and asked me if i have a vase to put HER flowers in.</p>

<p>bicch as if, lol…nah im jk…love the girl but she knows how to rub it in to make a single girl ****y…lawls.</p>

<p><strong>hastily eats entire box of trader joe’s fair trade milk chocolate</strong></p>

<p>be glad you’re saving your money at least.</p>

<p>If Dateless is a guy, why are you complaining that you have no date? Did you not find someone you like and ask her out?</p>

<p>If Dateless is a girl, there’s an event where you bid for a Valentine’s date with a Cal Veteran! They are single and there’s a webpage with their pictures and profiles. Check them out!</p>

<p>I am not interested in relationships during college (maybe I haven’t grown up yet to be really into these things or maybe I really know what I’m going for), but I do find it awkward on Valentine’s Day. I’m perfectly fine without a date and being my usual self on Vday. But when you have friends holding flower bouquet in a way for fear you won’t see them and compliment/mention them. Or seeing couples walk on campus wearing matchy red clothes who are staring at you with PITY??? (I don’t see myself as pitiful why are you looking at me in that way?) </p>

<p>It’s like I’m happy for couples but aren’t you trying too hard to show the entire school what awesome gifts you got from your bf/gf for Vday and showing too much of your compassion in the wrong way? LOL. chill.</p>

<p>Dateless, I want you to meet Waiting4College. Waiting4College, this is Dateless.</p>


I did. Three different girls, actually. All of them turned me down. Coincidence? I think not.</p>


Personally, I think it’d be a better idea for her to check out this date auction. I can’t really compare to the guys being auctioned.</p>


<p>Your time will come. I was totally lame with girls until I hit about 23 years ago. I did very well since. We all develop at our own pace.</p>

<p>I really think the key to not giving a **** about Valentine’s Day is to have confidence in yourself. I know, someone’s going to complaing to me and say "Well, I have confidence in myself and I hate V-day, so hah! There goes your theory. " But personally, the only times in my life when Valentine’s Day upset me was when I was lacking confidence in myself, and wondering why everyone else had a date when I didn’t. All the other times, I didn’t care about Valentines Day because I didn’t care about dating, or more recently, because I had enoughh self-confidence in myself that it didn’t matter if I didn’t have a date, or if I didn’t get chocolates and/or a fancy dinner. Maybe it’s also because I think Valentine’s Day is glorified commercial BS a lot of the time (did you know that this is actually the day St. Valentine was brutally executed? Suuuper romantic, yo–yet this is the day we choose to celebrate as a token of our love).</p>

<p>Personally, I usually feel more upset about being single on occasions during the other 364 days of the year. Why? Because I’ll usually be in some beautiful area thinking "Huh…it’d be really, really nice if I were sitting here with a BF instead of by my lonesome (ex: this past summer when I sitting in the Berkeley Rose Garden, and I saw couples sitting on the benches, hanging out and kissing). Even then though, I didn’t let it get me down too much, because I was having fun by myself anyway, and that newly-gained laissez-faire/confident attitude is what has really helped me become a happier person in the past year.</p>

<p>Dateless, I’m kind of sad to see you in the same scenario as you were a few months ago. Not because you’re still dateless, but because you still lack confidence in yourself. And that’s going to do you far, far worse a harm in the long run than being single on V-Day will.</p>

<p>Oh, honey.</p>

<p><a href="[/url]"></a></p>

<p>Don’t take the second one too seriously. Or seriously at all, honestly.</p>

<p>On the note of the first one, seriously dude, reading this thread gives me (and everyone else) a LOT of insight into why those three turned you down. I’d recommend trying to figure out what you don’t like about yourself and either fixing it or getting past it and being comfortable with who you are. Underconfidence/“imposter syndrome” is fine, especially at places like Cal, but legitimately believing (or at least constantly re-convincing yourself) that you are the worst candidate for any given job is a great way to go nowhere with your life.</p>

<p>…also, consider seeing a psychiatrist. You may be depressed (ie clinically).</p>

<p>Lol omg don’t link Tucker’s ****.</p>

<p>But the fact remains that while you shouldn’t be an a-hole, you care far too much about girls. Since I stopped flirting with every cute girl in my discussions this semester, my grades and social lives have both improved relative to last semester’s despite my classes are much harder.</p>



<p>Why? I don’t advocate imitating any of his actual actions (though I find most of the stories at least mildly hilarious), and I certainly can’t imagine ever wanting to TALK to the guy, but it’s hard to find a less subtle example of the benefits of being confident and/or undaunted by failure. I don’t drink, am not promiscuous, and don’t get off on insulting people, but I still benefited pretty heavily from reading his stuff and chatting with the (legitimately) sociopathic guy who suggested I read it.</p>

<p>Oh that’s true. We do need an extreme example to show what an integral role confidence plays in our life.</p>