<p>You are providing no support to any of your claims. Simply saying I would take something that would better my professions gets you no where. </p>
<p>What courses do you propose you take if you want to work in the physical sciences/engineering. Stop saying something to better my profession, I want physical evidence that a course exists that would actually benefit you</p>
<p>"I want physical evidence that a course exists that would actually benefit you"</p>
<p>Physical evidence on the internet....hahaah...</p>
<p>ok, anyway, Say you are studying calculus. I would just study more of calculus than the current system and advance quicker. INstead of having say 7 or 8 subjects, I would have 3 or 4 based on my profession. So, more time would be given to those 3 or 4 classes that pertain to my profession.</p>
<p>Have you ever taken calculus? What more calculus do you actually plan on studying than the current system offers (because there isn't much more besides pure theory, which will not help you unless you plan on having a math profession). Again, you can't advance through courses much quicker, your brain needs time to develop the capacity to actually understand advanced/theoretical concepts. And again, you already told me you need to learn the politics, economics, history, etc of your profession so you would be studying 7 or 8 subjects (you were the one that said this not me), and don't think you can learn the enough politics, economics, etc. in a week, it will take time. </p>
<p>Will you please stop saying you will take more courses that pertain to your profession. NAME A COURSE that you could take that would be relevant a physical science profession</p>
<p>If you want to sit through 12 hours of class a day, 365 days a year go to China. If this is the system you are trying to describe this debate is pointless</p>
<p>sr6622, some very excellent classes helped me think in new and better ways. Like computer science helped me learn how to organize data in a logical fashion and solve a problem in a systematic way. Physics last year helped me to understand the world around me and approach problems in ways I never did before( also my teaching skills improved cuz I did a lot of tutoring). Economics this year is helping me understand the world around me (cuz our teacher is awesome and teaching economics based on real world application). Like why people do certain things (buy resources, spend income, etc). RReally simplistic so far but I think my teacher will take it far</p>