Vanderbilt Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Not that I know of, but decisions are apparently usually released on a wednesday.


Maybe since they did Blair last night it could be today… or next Wednesday? I checked some IG post and when people have asked about RD decisions they don’t respond.

Oh that is true! Hoping for today but I guess it could literally be any day now. The UCs did the no responding thing but then released based on trends for the most part.

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I just read on Reddit an admitted student said their first admitted student event is March 30. Oops, just realized it’s Tuesday, maybe tomorrow?


Yeah that makes the most sense. Let’s hope so! Thank you for the info

We will get an email today saying admissions will be released tomorrow, if that’s the case. (According to past years they send an email the day before)


1600 is the overall enrollment goal. I have gotten confirmation from my admissions counselor and the admissions office that the acceptances will be about the same. So we should expect about 2200 acceptances in RD I think. Hopefully 47,100 is total number of applications and there are about 41,000-42,000 RD applications.

Good luck everyone!


so scared, I do not know if I can survive tomorrow.

What makes you think tomorrow? I have 27th written down for some reason.

Last year was Wed 3/25, so maybe tomorrow?

Wash U St. Louis is releasing decisions tomorrow, so I think it’s a fair possibility.

Emory is also tomorrow.

They didn’t do Blair last night

They didn’t send an email by 5pm so are we assuming that it won’t be released tomorrow?

Last year I’m pretty sure they sent an email the day before decisions were released informing applicants that decisions would be released the next day.

Yes they did. Several Blair applicants received an early admission.

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I am logged in and it just allowed me to register for an Admitted Student Event. This could be a glitch and maybe it allows everyone to do so.

*I applied RD

Where in your portal?

I did not go through my portal. I searched “Vanderbilt Admitted Student Events” on Google but I was signed in when I registered since I had just logged in on my portal. You have to be signed in to register.

Seems like something anyone can do?

It may be. But I was logged in I did not click a link on google. Like it already had my named filled in for me and it clearly showed I was logged in.