Vanderbilt Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Email from admissions says “likely the standard amount”. (referring to how many student are admitted. So there should be at least 2000 admitted in RD.

No, it works out about perfectly.
2020 Freshman class 1,698
2020 Bachelors Degrees conferred 1,691

so what does that mean? 400-some Vanderbilt freshmen transfer out?

No, 400 you saw, must be the transfers accepted. Not all accepted do matriculate.
About 210-220 transfer in per year.

About a total of 210-230 freshmen, either graduate in 5 years, or eventually transfer out or dropout (in their freshman, soph, junior or senior year).
Transfers take care of the small attrition/late graduates.

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@homerdog if you desire more data on retention rates, graduation rates, enrollment, etc… the student factbook has a wealth of information.

I don’t see the official freshman year retention rate, but the retention rate in the first two years is 97%, so it must be 98% or 99%.

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Any ideas on decision date? I thought Friday but I just have no clue.

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No clue. It looks like the last couple years decisions have been released on Wednesday’s. So I feel like either this Wednesday or next.

Awesome, thank you. Hopefully we learn soon, the suspense is by far the worst part.

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For those who applied to Blair, it looks like your decisions have come out early. at least thats the rumor on reddit :crazy_face:

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Yes!!! I received the email tonight. It reads “Congratulations! We are thrilled to notify you early of your admission to the Blair School of Music at Vanderbilt University for fall 2021. While you will receive your official admit packet in late March…” I am honored and excited!



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Does anyone know if all accepted Blair students get an early notification? In other words, if you didn’t receive an email, does that mean you didn’t get in?

Ahh, I would be so happy to go to Vandy. Would commit the day of my acceptance. My odds are low though.

Are there more students that got this email ?

Hearty Congratulations. If you can please share if you did any specific summer programs in high school and where? I have heard those are a big part of getting admitted to a music major in a good school. My sister wants to major in voice and piano performance, still a few years to go…

The email did say “We are thrilled to Notify you early” so I think it’s safe to assume that we can’t make a conclusion yet. Well, I hope ._.


I didn’t get an email and I applied to Blair. Hoping that doesn’t mean I was rejected…

What are we thinking about a possible decision tomorrow?


Have they given any ballpark date, other than the usual “by April 1”?