Vassar Class of 2027 Official Thread

My D23 and her Dad attended the admitted student’s day as well. Dream school for her and she’s thrilled she got in. They too thought the day could have been more organized. They said the resource fair was crowded and could have been more thought out. And from what others have said it sounds like the whole day could have been better planned. In general I have not been impressed with the admissions even when we visited for a campus tour back in March '22. I think they rely heavily on their reputation and vibe to attract students and don’t care to strive further. I’ve been more impressed with other colleges and universities and how they market to both admitted students and parents to make them feel welcome and a part of the the community as a whole. I found it very telling when the first email to parents from Vassar after she was admitted was about a financial aid seminar. True colors, hard facts on the staggering cost of four years. Put some of that money into admissions please Vassar so we can feel more welcomed and not feel like just a consumer.

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My son was admitted ED to Vassar and really feels like it is a great for him. But two of my kids (daughter class of 2023 and son class of 2018) went to Colgate, as did my wife. Colgate is a terrific school, and beautiful, so I don’t think your daughter can go wrong going there. It has a strong Greek system, which my daughter joined (although she wasn’t incredible into it), and my son whose going to Vassar actually wanted a place without fraternities/sororities, so it’s a personal choice. FYI, my son who went to Colgate did not join a fraternity and still enjoyed the school. Everything I’ve heard about Hamilton is positive as well. So the overall point is that while you daughter may want to fight for Vassar if she can, if that is her first choice, she shouldn’t be too upset if she doesn’t get in. She has terrific choices.

My son who get in ED at Vassar also didn’t particularly like Wesleyan. For whatever reason, he loved the campus and the vibe at Vassar far more. I love Vassar, but I liked the fact that Wesleyan has the 5-year psychology program for a Masters (that is what he wants to study), but that wasn’t enough to convince my son. So Vassar it is! I think it will be a great fit for him.


My daughter also initially loved Vassar but was waitlisted and got into Hamilton and Colgate. She chose Hamilton. What did yours end up choosing? I feel Hamilton has a definite artsy and outdoorsy vibe.

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My D had the same reactions to Wes and Vassar. I was surprised since I thought they had similar vibes.

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