Venting post!

<p>In December we had test scores rushed to the UC schools to which my DDs are applying. This was in response to the info which said they were due 1/1.</p>

<p>Today both DDs got an email from one of the UC campuses saying that their scores haven’t arrived yet. So, I called the admissions office and the very very nice woman who answered the phone reassured me but also explained that because rushing = paper copies it actually DELAYS the process of recording the scores on the UC end because they are sent in paper, not electronic form. Grrrrrr</p>

<p>Totally our fault for not looking into it better but we are out nearly 60.00 only to have their scores delayed. I always sort of poo pooed those who expressed outrage at CB for the racket they have but sheesh now I see what others were talking about.</p>

<p>It is really confusing! I asked the same question of the UCD admissions counselor who frequents the UCD board and the response was - "as long as we have them by the end of Jan, no problem". I was also told NOT to rush report. My daughter has scores on file, but her Dec ACT score went up quite nicely and she is concerned that those scores are recorded in time for review. I think each kid who is going through this process needs a secretary!</p>

<p>At least they are lucky to have parents like you. Speaking for myself, I had to figure out everything out. My parents don't know jack about the college admission process.</p>

<p>^ same. thank god for collegeconfidential or else i would have never been able to get into college.</p>

<p>you kids are sweet: Can I adopt a bit of your gratitude ;)</p>

<p>I agree the process is confusing. In addition to the several ways of sending scores it seems that each UC campus has a different deadline to receive the scores. While UC Davis prefers to have the scores submitted by the end of January, the UC system sends out a letter with the deadline of February 16. Then College Board post a deadline of January 1! We are currently looking into why College Board reports a deadline of January 1 when that is not our deadline. Besides the letters and emails there isn't any other place that lists these deadlines.</p>

<p>It is great to know your frustrations so we can work on finding a way to relay the information in a better fashion. Good luck for the rest of the process.</p>