Very Confused. Status "Under Review"

Simuni, I think you should be positive, what will be will be, the admission process have a subjective component that could go either way and do not reflect in many cases what you are as a person or student.
Last Saturday or Sunday WSJ has an article on kids been rejected from their dream schools and taking that as the end of the world. Statistics showed that kids that finally attend a school that wants them do better because is a more friendly environment. In my experience hiring people for a major company, I have seen good employees from good schools and not so great schools and bad employees from good schools and not so great schools. Who knows maybe you will be the next CEO, Nobel Prize or just a happy graduate that can pay for his/her life. All of them great outcomes
What are you other school choices?

Guys please don’t worry. If you read my previous posts on this thread you would see that I have already decided I am going to commit to either Geneseo or university of Pittsburgh which both have better bio programs than bing. I am not upset at all and I honestly think that if I am accepted I still might not go to bing due to the fact that their bio program is subpar to a lot of the colleges I was accepted to.

Dorinna333 If your reply was intended for me, not sure what you are talking about. Why would a student with the credentials listed by simuni entertain going to a community college? He has gotten into schools that are much more highly ranked then Binghamton. If Pitt and Geneseo think he is ready to take on their curriculum, why in the world would he accept the Advantage program. If he were a student in need of remedial academic work, the Adantage program could be helpful. But he lists credentials like a 96 gpa, 9 AP classes-and his intention is to go to a 4 year college with other students with similar goals. As NYdad says, people do well coming out of all kinds of schools and some do well even without a degree. But he got into at least two schools that are very strong-and he has strong credentials-nobody should spin their wheels at a community college if they have the academic background and aptitude to do well at a 4 year college and if that is their goal. If he had no other options, he might gain more from sitting out the year and reapplying next year. But he has other options. This is not a put down of community colleges. They serve very good purposes but enrolling a strong student intending to be at a 4 year college is not one of them. I’d go so far as to say that if they did offer Simuni the Advantage program the only rationale I can think of is that it would be out of greed, wanting his tuition and dorm fees.

@lostaccount I think they might have just read your first response to me and not read on to what we said later. Either way yes you’re correct. I would’t even consider the “Advantage” program for one second. With acceptances from SBU, Pitt, and Geneseo I would be insane to go with that as an option. I honestly would rather be rejected as it is almost insulting to me in way. They seem to assume that I wouldn’t want to go to any other college but Binghamton and that I would be willing to waste my time going to a community college for two years until they need me to fill a spot for them? Ha! No way. Even if I did want to transfer wouldn’t it make sense to go to a 4 year college I was accepted to? It just makes not sense. I’m leaning towards Geneseo and I am very happy about my options.

@simuni‌ I agree with you 100%. In fact, a similar thing happened to me with Pitt. I was accepted to their Johnstown campus, and when the acceptance letter came with a reply card, it didn’t even have an option to say no. Absolutely unbelievable. Pitt-Johnstown is a 2 star school, nothing more. I’d be totally deranged to even consider going to Pitt-Johnstown for a day when I already have acceptances from schools such as UNC Wilmington, Quinnipiac, and Stetson among others.

Just to update my status changed to “Decision Made” last weekend. Still no word from them at all, sigh. Last night I was completely surprised with an acceptance to a high reach Skidmore. I am still kind of in shock that I got in. And even more suprised that they are offering me a good amount of money which makes it affordable for me to attend. I need to do some more research into their bio program but I am very surprised and happy. Binghamton is the last school I am waiting to hear from out of the 9 I applied to.

@simuni‌ wow, congrats on Skidmore!! If I were you, I’d probably attend that school. I was rejected from this school yesterday…good luck to you.

My daughter was deferred to Binghamton. Her status changed 2 weeks ago to read “decision made” but she has not received notification either way (no one from her school that was deferred has). I hate to be cynical but Binghamton’s Admitted Student Open House was 3/28 &29, I feel that they are holding back the notifications so that the only students coming to the Open House events are the ones admitted during the first round…. I bet we hear a yes/no tomorrow.

Icgggg, why would that be cynical to think?

I have got to say my D and I went to the Accepted Student’s Day last year. Well run and a lot of fun!