Very Confused. Status "Under Review"

I am very confused about my status of admission. I was deferred back in January to Harpur. My status changed to “deferred to reg” like the majority of applicants. Around one to two weeks later my status changed to “Under Review”. At the time I was hopeful that they were reviewing my application… Now, months later my status still reads “Under Review”. As far as I know not a single other applicant has these two word as their status. I attempted to get an explanation from the admissions office but after being on hold for a while I was told that is means they are “reviewing my application”. Aren’t they reviewing every application? I am confused as to why my status is different from everyone else’s. At this point I am assuming they rejected me and are just waiting to inform me or something. Honestly the whole thing seems sketchy to me and I just can’t understand it. Now, RD applicants are hearing back every day. Many are hearing that have SAT scores less then mine (1810). I am not particularly worried due to the fact that I have been accepted to many schools with amazing bio programs such as SBU, U Pitt, Geneseo and scholarships form U Mass Amherst and BU. I would just like more clarity. If anyone has the same status or has any information please share! Any help would be appreciated.


I think that you shouldn’t worry about it. I know that’s easier said than done, but the Binghamton website isn’t always perfectly organized and the “Under Review” for you and no one else is probably just a mistake. The admissions office said they are reviewing your application, so I think you have to trust that. Either way, you’ll hear back soon enough–it’s not worth it for us to try to analyze what these things mean.

Thanks. Yeah I guess I’ll just have to wait and see.

Are you considering Binghamton or just collecting acceptances? Or is your selection depending on the fa package? Sometimes students who know they won’t attend a school because they got into ones known to be higher ranked and a better fit notify the school before they hear about their decision. Students who view college acceptances as opportunities rather than as trophies for their high school record do that once they know that they have the opportunity that they want to free the college to give that opportunity to someone else. Biology is one of Binghamton’s weakest departments. Except Geneseo I believe that the bio programs for the schools you’ve already been accepted to are in the top 50 for US News rankings (and many other rankings) whereas Binghamton’s is only in the top 200. If you are not interested in Binghamton I’m sure others would be grateful if you would bow out.

Thanks for your concern but I am still interested in binghamton. Why would I be anxious if I was just considering Binghamton as a trophy? I visited the school and really loved the campus. Binghamton’s rank isn’t everything to me and I am am still looking to see all of my fa packages from all of my schools before I make a decision. I am not just “collecting acceptances”.

Also I believe Genseseo isn’t ranked along side the other schools because because it isn’t considers a university? I still believe it has a good bio/pre-med program. If not I may have to reconsider because I was strongly considering geneseo.

My mistake. I read your email as saying you are not anxious but just confused since you’d gotten into other schools. Geneseo may have an excellent biology dept. You are correct that it is not evaluated because it is not in a university. I prefer Geneseo to the other SUNYs too.

No problem. I do admit however that due to the way admissions have been handled and my research on Binghamton’s biology department, my interest has been decreasing. I would still consider bing if I was accepted because I fell in love with the school initially during my college search and there are a lot of positives about the school.

And okay that’s good to hear. As of now I am torn between Stony, Pitt and Geneseo with Geneseo probably in the lead due to financial reasons for Pitt and social/location reasons for Stony. But like I said, Still waiting to hear back from everywhere before I make an informed decision.

Well good luck. Hope you like where you end up going.

@simuni After reading this thread, I think we are in the same boat, with similar SAT scores, an interest in biology and waiting on Binghamton; however, my status hasn’t even been changed back to “Under Review”, it is still “Deferred to Reg. Consideration”. Out of frustration for this long wait, I emailed my regional adviser and he said that deferred students are “done separately by our review committee”, which doesn’t make sense to me since early action deferrals are supposed to be considered along side regular decision applicants. Do you think I’m interpreting this correctly?

@gvemeanothryr20 Yeah, it’s getting kind of ridiculous. I think by now it’s clear to see that deferred students aren’t handled very well by the admission staff and I hope they consider revising their process in the future.

Status just changed to “decision made”, looks like a rejection. Oh well, trying to not be too upset, very happy with my options of colleges to choose from. :slight_smile:

I was at decision made for 4 days during EA before they mailed me the yes… the key thing to check is whether you can login to the deposit pay screen. If so…you are good. If not…

Yeah I can’t pay it xD, looks like bad news for me.

Maybe you are wait listed. If so it might help to tell them how much you’d like to be there-if so, and if you go so far s to promise to accept an offer if given one, then that could bump you up on the list, for schools that work hard to protect their yield. Don’t know if true for Binghamton but is true some places.

At this point if I am waitlisted, offered spring admit or Bing Advantage I am going to let them know that I do not want to attend and let someone else have my spot. I have been doing a lot of thinking and I think I am going to commit to Geneseo or Pitt.

Seems to me that those wanting to attend a 4 year college and having a background suggestive they’d do well are cheated if they are placed in community college classes. They are not equal to Binghamton. If you think they are, then there is a bigger problem with Binghamton than I thought.

Why would you spend 2 years at a low level academic setting? It would put you at a disadvantage for your final 2 years. Makes me wonder if the SAT scores from the students attending BCC are factored into the SAT scores of the 1st year students that are reported in the Common Data Set. I’m betting not. That would explain the SAT scores for Binghamton that seem elevated compared to what I hear about the overall academic strength of Harpur College. Then are they considered transfers?

Binghamton enrolls about 2200 first year students and about 1,000 transfers each year. That means one third of the students could have SAT scores well below those that are published. If a good number of those are students with lower credentials but whose SATs are not counted, then the SATs listed are meaningless. I hope this is not true. Does anyone know if the “Advantage” students SATs are factored into the totals? If not, the real SAT scores for Binghamton would be markedly lower.

Here is what a parent said in another thread a year ago. I’d suggest students look closely at BCC if they are considering this option. An informed decision is the best kind.

"Okay, so speaking with his guidance dept at the H.S., and some friends currently attending BU and also writing to admissions, my son declined the Binghamton Advantage offer.

He took a good look his 3 top choices and at Broome Community College and it felt like a no brainer to him. He will go to Albany and Oneonta Admitted Students day this weekend and next, and he will choose between those. Then, in time, depending on how much he loves his school, he’ll decide to if he wants to stay put where he is or if he’d like to transfer to Bing. Sounds like a solid plan! BAP is out of the question now!"

I would also wonder if the Advantage SAT scores are factored in.

Your reply is unhelpful and frankly, presumptuous. Sounds like someone is jealous… You should know, that in this economy, NO ONE is applying to a school just for a “trophy acceptance”. Your attempt to shame simuni out of his application to Binghamton is despicable- self serving at best.