Very Curious - how do i stand as of now?

<p>Hey everyone.
Currently i am a senior at Floral Park Memorial High school and i am ready to start applying for colleges etc.</p>

<p>i am coming from a very poor family - with none of my parents who have gone to college. I will be the first going to college. </p>

<p>I have a 90.25 GPA (3.5 i think)</p>

<p>My SAT scores are not that great - (i recently re-took the SAT's in Nov. so i am hoping for a improvement)
Math - 650
Reading - 500 </p>

<p>I am playing a lot of sports senior year, but have done a lot of clubs through out of high school. </p>

<p>Varsity Football
Varsity Baseball
Varsity Basketball</p>

<p>I am taking all regular 4 year classes as well as Chemistry, Physics and biology.</p>

<p>I have over 450 volunteer hours</p>

<p>I am in the national honors society, foreign language honor society, mock trial club, FBLA club, ecology club, keyclub, active Blood Donor, </p>

<p>i was a Nominee of National Young Leaders Conference
i also attended the Human Rights Conference at Adelphi.</p>

<p>I also have work experience as i have worked at a dental office (typist), carvel (cashier / sales), as well as telemarketing (sales). </p>

<p>how do i stand as of now?</p>

<p>My other concern is that i really am intending to Dorm at Stony Brook. I want to become a General Practitioner. I know that the tuition is around $4,000 a year. But how much would it be if i want to dorm as well?
Will i be able to get full Financial Aid, grants, scholarships, as my family will not be able to pay tuition or for dorm.
What happens for schooling after college - i mean what happens for medical school and does tuition change for medical school - if so how much? </p>

<p>I REALLY intend on going to Stony Brook as it is a perfect school for me to go to. It is close to home, a GREAT medical school, and just what i want. </p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>Looks like you’ll be a competitive candidate, figuring your SAT goes up a bit. The total cost for a NYS resident on campus is about $13,000 a year.</p>
