Very nervous, what are my chances?

<p>Still waiting to hear from 7 schools and I'm very nervous...</p>

<p>17 year old white female at a very well regarded public high school in NY</p>

<p>GPA- 3.4- not weighted
SAT- 610 cr/ 530 m/ 650 w
Rank: 130 out of 352</p>

Full schedule all 4 years
Honors: English, Spanish, Biology
AP: Government, English Language
The rest were regent level classes</p>

<p>ECs at School:
Secretary of SADD Club
Secretary of volunteer club
Morning Announcements
Theater Productions
Student Ambassador
Journalist for Yearbook
Organized for my senior project a fashion show at my high school to benefit a high school in New Orleans, I raised $2000 and was in many local newspapers and on news shows, which I sent clips of to the colleges <em>IS THAT A HOOK?</em></p>

<p>ECs Outside of School:
Crew- Coxswain for local crew team <em>*i've been communicating with the crew coaches at the colleges, even had an interview with the coach at Fordham</em></p>

<p>Summer and Volunteer: (ANY HOOKS?)
Summer of 12th grade- Took politics course at Georgetown U for 5 weeks- Got college credit- B+
Volunteered for Hillary Clinton's campaign while in DC for 5 weeks
Crew camp at Princeton
Summer of 11th grade- Took 2 classes at Cambridge U in England for 5 weeks (Shakespeare and Debate) Got college credit- A
Summer of 10th grade- Took 3 classes (Debate, Theater, Psychology) at Phillips Exeter Academy
Volunteer at school in the resource room</p>

15 hours per week
since this summer</p>

Honor Roll
Poem published in a literary magazine</p>

<p>3 Recs- all very good</p>

<p>What do you think my chances are at Northeastern, Boston University, Emerson, Syracuse, Fordham, American</p>

<p>Northeastern - Probably
Boston University - Probably not
Emerson - Maybe
Syracuse - Maybe
Fordham - Probably
American - Probably not</p>

<p>Northeastern - Reach
Boston University - Bigger Reach
Emerson - Bigger Reach
Syracuse - Reach
Fordham - Reach
American - Bigger Reach</p>

<p>thank you both so much</p>

<p>do you think that all my ec's from the summer programs will help at all?</p>

<p>Of course they'll help, but your SATs are holding you back.</p>

<p>crew17love can you post where you get in when you find out?</p>

<p>i think the only thing that is holding her back at BU is that math sat score...but it depends on which school she applied to... prolly be good for college of general studies don't you think?</p>

<p>I applied as a journalism major to the communications school at BU, so I'm thinking maybe the math score wont matter as much? I applied as a journalism major to all of those schools.</p>

<p>I really want to get into Fordham, American, and Emerson</p>

<p>Fordham- I met with my admissions counsler and the crew coach at the Rose Hill campus and had good interviews with both.</p>

<p>American- A boy in my grade heard already and was accepted and all of his stats are lower than mine AND he doesnt have good ec's</p>

<p>Emerson- my essay was really good (not to brag) and I never knew it was that hard to get into</p>


<p>i'm not sure what heavenwood considers good enough sats for those schools, but yours are definitely in the right area. just look at their median scores in one of those big college books. 1140 is perfectly respectable, and your other stuff is fine. i would guess you get at least four admits.</p>

<p>Okay i got some!</p>

<p>Northeastern- WAIT LIST
Syracuse- WAIT LIST
Boston College- Rejected (i knew that already though lol)</p>

<p>still waiting for BU, Emerson and American, but I am SO happy with fordham!</p>