<p>Still waiting to hear from 7 schools and I'm very nervous...</p>
<p>17 year old white female at a very well regarded public high school in NY</p>
<p>GPA- 3.4- not weighted
SAT- 610 cr/ 530 m/ 650 w
Rank: 130 out of 352</p>
Full schedule all 4 years
Honors: English, Spanish, Biology
AP: Government, English Language
The rest were regent level classes</p>
<p>ECs at School:
Secretary of SADD Club
Secretary of volunteer club
Morning Announcements
Theater Productions
Student Ambassador
Journalist for Yearbook
Organized for my senior project a fashion show at my high school to benefit a high school in New Orleans, I raised $2000 and was in many local newspapers and on news shows, which I sent clips of to the colleges <em>IS THAT A HOOK?</em></p>
<p>ECs Outside of School:
Crew- Coxswain for local crew team <em>*i've been communicating with the crew coaches at the colleges, even had an interview with the coach at Fordham</em></p>
<p>Summer and Volunteer: (ANY HOOKS?)
Summer of 12th grade- Took politics course at Georgetown U for 5 weeks- Got college credit- B+
Volunteered for Hillary Clinton's campaign while in DC for 5 weeks
Crew camp at Princeton
Summer of 11th grade- Took 2 classes at Cambridge U in England for 5 weeks (Shakespeare and Debate) Got college credit- A
Summer of 10th grade- Took 3 classes (Debate, Theater, Psychology) at Phillips Exeter Academy
Volunteer at school in the resource room</p>
15 hours per week
since this summer</p>
Honor Roll
Poem published in a literary magazine</p>
<p>3 Recs- all very good</p>
<p>What do you think my chances are at Northeastern, Boston University, Emerson, Syracuse, Fordham, American</p>