Very Tough Situation - Homeschooled, International, no leads on what to do

German has a big overlap with English, actually. I think it would be easier for someone who has already learnt English as a second language, to learn than French if no exposure to Romance languages previously.

Engineering…yes, a very simplistic overview by OP. My husband simply describes engineering as “how to solve problems”. In his career as an engineer, he has programmed software, run factories, and managed the labor force of a global retail company among other things. It’s not limiting at all. But, when I was 17 and looking at college I also didn’t understand a lot about what different paths/careers were and had to grossly oversimplify. It’s not really surprising that OP has done the same especially without the benefit of college/career advisors as many western kids have. I think the critical thing here is for OP to yes adjust attitude a bit - doesn’t really matter if they annoy us but it’s going to matter if they annoy their lecturers/professors -and get into a college somewhere. They can always change major later on or go in a different direction in grad school.

You can’t easily change majors in Germany, they’d need to reapply. And they need to reapply for their visa initially, so that’s an additional risk. They better know exactly what they want to do going in.

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Yup. That’s exactly why I’m going to email university professors for an overview on the course/s.

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I think I struggle with both lmao. If you call miraculously acing A levels in 6 months with 2-3 hours of average study every day “working hard at a set task” then I guess yeah.

My problem is 100% my environment (and myself). There’s no pressure, no competition, no enthusiasm and no inspiration. That’s a recipe for disaster for someone like me. Not gonna put blames on anything, but fingers crossed I should ramp up to gear 11 once I get to uni.

Don’t rely on emailing professors in Germany. They will direct you to the website, or students advisory services, if they answer at all. This is not the US. There’s a reason it’s cheaper.


You know, if funds weren’t tight and residency and work permits weren’t iffy, everyone would say “study whatever you like, no matter how theoretical and how much you’ll need grad school”, especially as you are coming across as a theoretical person rather than a hands on problem solver and tinkerer.

People are directing you towards engineering because it’s easier to find a job, worldwide. You’ll be wanted. Much harder to carve your path in physics. And having succeeded in maths, physics and chemistry A levels means you can succeed in engineering, too. If you want. Unless you hate it. You appear to be a person with strong feelings, but over 160 posts, people have been encouraging you to think more strategically in your choices, weighing risks.


This is a bad, bad idea.

“Dear Prof. XXX. Please give me an overview of your courses. I understand that much of this information is on your university’s website, and what isn’t can be found from the student advisory service, but my time is far, far too valuable to be spent hunting this down. Your time, on the other hand…”


I don’t know anything about internationals students. But I am sure you could get into many schools in the US…but not with the financial aid you are looking for. There are plenty of US student with 1550-1600 SAT that don’t get they money you are looking for. (And they have lots of EC, recommendations, etc.)

What I do know is…listen to what you read on CC - there are some very knowledgeable people here! You came for advice. If you don’t like it or don’t want to believe it, that is fine. But arguing against it won’t change it.

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I posted the above message before I had ready the entire thread…but my advice to listen to this group stands!

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:roll_eyes: This sounds arrogant in case you are not able to recognize it due to cultural differences. It’s a real turn off, meaning people don’t like this attitude.


I’ll go back to my earlier post:

and will further refer users to forum rules:

“Our forum is expected to be a friendly and welcoming place, and one in which members can post without their motives, intelligence, or other personal characteristics being questioned by others."

If adhering by the guidelines is problematic, please move on to another thread.


I think you are missing a key component in your thinking and how to present yourself. And that is what do you have to offer to any university in exchange of financial aid, scholarship etc. What have you done in your life that shows your motivation, hard work, character, potential, how have you utilized all resources available to you etc. I am sure they want to know that if they do give you a chance you are going to follow through.

Yeah I figured that out myself lmao. I’ve been told by others that that’s what I’m supposed to be emailing profs for, but I quickly found all the info I was looking for on the website. There’s a lot to navigate, but it should be all there. I definitely played myself.

Hmm I don’t think calling my attachment to my plans is “strong feelings”, rather just a desperate attempt at clinging to meaningless pride. I believe I overcame that desperation though. I do weigh risks, but the reason I came here is to get sufficient information so I can actually weigh the risks properly. I can’t weigh the risks without knowing anything right? Now I know that my chances of getting a mad scholarship is very little even if I manage to get 10 Gold medals in olympiads or whatever. My only chance was if I was chosen by a company, but I have no idea how that works, and I don’t think I want to invest time to figure out how it works. Now I know to just stick to the most budget options and I’ll build my way up from there, much thanks to all of you ;D.

no delete option ]:

Exactly! I only recently realized that after a few days exchanging my ideas with the wonderful people here. It’s gonna be very difficult proving my so called “worth” to those critical people without certain connections. Even if I do manage to win competitions and do a ton of ECs in these few months, it’s probably not gonna attract the eyes of important people, since there are many people with the level of merit I’m idolizing, that didn’t get the financial aid I’m looking for; the risk-reward ratio is too high. Maybe the fact that I would have gained all that merit in such a short time period might be what seals the deal, but what do I know if these people care about that or not.

I think it’s best to play the game safely by the traditional rules for the time being, until I expand my knowledge and strategic toolset enough to be able to take the unorthodox routes that I desire most.

Plus I do lack the specs “motivation” and “hard work” right now. Hopefully with a fresh and competitive environment I can acquire them.

OP, I was strongly reminded of this thread from a couple of years back. A dad from Belarus, working in Dubai, helping his son navigate tough choices, with one overarching goal: never having to go back to Belarus. You may want to reflect in which ways your mindset is similar, and which ways it differs.


I took my time and read through all of it carefully. Man that father was super cool and awesome, thanks for sharing the link to that thread.

I can immediately point out the similarities and differences between our mindsets and ways of thinking: We both want myself (and his son) to leave the country as a top priority. Place, living costs, ease of immigration and culture are all our top interests in choosing the university. We differ by the fact that he worries about his son’s job options after university, while I don’t really care about that; because I don’t think I can get the sufficient information right here to make the informed decision on those basis; I need to gather intel inside the university, and I’m totally up to exploring completely uncharted territories.

He also does consider some political dilemmas into his plans, and asks crucial questions about the permits and visas, which appear to be a huge point of concern for him. Assuming that my political situation as a Syrian is worse than a Belarus citizen’s, I absolutely do need to worry about that, and I’ll have to apply and check for my eligibility asap, even in a very welcoming place like Germany (as long as I have a proof of Germany proficiency).

His son does seem to be very capable and hardworking, which gives him a mile’s worth of advantage over me in his potential to receive grants and scholarships, but that didn’t seem to be a point of interest for his father.

I think I should keep my mindset of entering a university abroad asap and figuring out where to go from there, but I should put a bit more effort into planning what happens between now and then, and make sure the place I go to is one that gives me the most flexibility and potential for gathering information, since I’ll still be relatively blind going in there no matter how much I research.

Use the search bar and type PCSI.
Click on Trier par-> taux d’acces.
Frederic Mistral, Avignon**
Camille Vernet, Valence*
Jean Jaurès, Montreuil**
Gay-Lussac, Limoges*
Camille Guérin, Poitiers*
Are all basically safeties, in nice cities with good bullet train access or other good public transportation and access to major cities (*=low cost of living/high quality of life, ** a bit more expensive but could be within budget)

Vaugelas, Chambery*
Loritz, Nancy**
Pothier, Orléans**
Laperouse, Albi*
Montesquieu, Le Mans*
Good targets. Same /*

CIV Valbonne ***
Kleber, Strasbourg***
Julian, Bordeaux ***
D’Arsonval, St Maur ***
Dautet, La Rochelle**
Descartes, Tours **
Deodat Severac, Toulouse ***
Chateaubriand-Joliot-Curie, Rennes**
Eiffel, Bordeaux ***
Champollion, Grenoble ***
Joffre, Montpellier ***
Clémenceau, Nantes ***

(***= high cost of living, may not be within budget, rents are very high. Rennes, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, Montpellier, Grenoble, Nantes are AWESOME cities but very costly).

Go look at the tourism office websites for each town, it’ll be in English.
Click on “voir la fiche”, scroll down to “contact&coordonnees”. Click on “responsable pédagogique” to contact each program’s director. You need to do this quickly because the site’ll close shortly.

I can translate a short letter where you introduce yourself and your qualifications, then ask whether they’d be open to your applying if you reach the desired level of French. This way you will know which ones allow you to even apply. Just type your letter here and I’ll write the translation.

Once you have replies about where you’d be allowed to apply, you’d have to pick 3 in category 1, 3 in category 2, and 4 in category 3 (if you have as many in each). But that would be a next step - you need to devise a letter I can translate, copy the contact info for each, and look up the environment so you can roughly rank them (in that order). The contact info and the website are going to close soon (Sept 15 I think).

You can also click on “BUT” in the lefthand column (same website), trier, taux d’acces. HOWEVER, whereas for PCSI you apply directly to the school and/or through parcoursup (above website), FOR THIS YOU HAVE TO USE CAMPUSFRANCE, an agency that will evaluate your aplication, esp wrt how solid your application is and financial back ups etc… and then you need to be accepted through that.
The first one is Angouleme, QLIO = very hands on, you’re on co-op starting year2, very inexpensive rents, easy train ride to the seaside or big cities. Absolute safety for you.
In some of or near the above cool cities, you have, also with co-op starting Y2 - use Google Translate to translate the fields - see below:

  • I.U.T. Nantes (Carquefou - 44) Public
    BUT - Métiers de la Transition et de l’Efficacité Énergétiques
  • I.U.T. Saint-Nazaire (44) Public
    BUT - Génie chimique génie des procédés
  • I.U.T d’Orléans (45) Public
    BUT - Métiers de la Transition et de l’Efficacité Énergétiques
  • I.U.T de Bourges (18) Public
    BUT - Génie civil - Construction durable
  • I.U.T de Lannion (22) Public
    BUT - Informatique
  • I.U.T de Nice - Antenne de Valbonne (06)
    BUT - Réseaux et télécommunications
  • I.U.T de Blagnac (31) Public
    BUT - Réseaux et télécommunications
  • I.U.T. Saint-Nazaire (44) Public
    BUT - Génie civil - Construction durable
  • I.U.T de Blagnac (31) Public
    BUT - Informatique

For Germany
Full list

An example