<p>I would really like to get into Cornell for regular decision, but it's kinda tricky</p>
<p>I got 2270 on SATs on first try. (1580 for math and crit reading combined)
Good ECs:
ranked 4th in new york state for table tennis(ping pong)
All-eastern mixed chorus
volunteer to exercise with cancer patients
cleaned churches as volunteer</p>
740 biology
700 chem
760 math 2c</p>
<p>solid essays (i think)</p>
<p>only problem: 3.7 GPA.</p>
<p>lol... So what do you guys think? Can i get into cornell college of arts and sciences?</p>
<p>since when is a 3.7 gpa low? i don’t know what kind of school you go to, but getting an A- average at my school is very good. it’s really hard to tell with the weighted and unweighted stuff. do you usually get A-'s, or do you usually get B-‘s and they are just bumped to A- in your weighted GPA? If you usually get B-s’ I’d say your chances are slim, otherwise your chances are just as good as anyone and it will just be how you distinguish yourself that gets you in</p>
<p>Well, my school is really competitive, many people have at least 3.8. out of 100 a 3.7 is 94, many people have 97 average. I usually get As, but sometimes i get A+s and sometimes i get Bs… so I don’t know.</p>
<p>Well… a 3.7 GPA UW would be decent… but if that’s already weighted it would be very different. I’m not really sure how your schools goes about weighted/unweighted GPA. Your SAT is very good but the EC’s are only so-so and the GPA may not look all that great on your transcript :|</p>
<p>Sorry to agree, but the EC’s are subpar. Unless you contact the music director or ping-pong coach directly, you may have trouble convincing the admissions board that those merits are good for Cornell. The volunteering is also quite vague. If those are really your best, than you may be in a little trouble.</p>
<p>The GPA may pose a slight problem, but you know, it’s the big picture that matters. Remember that.</p>
<p>Btw…I got rejected by Cornell ED, and my EC’s were a bit better (in my opinion), my SAT lower, my SAT II’s higher, and my GPA higher by .7.</p>
<p>It’s up in the air, really. Sorry if that’s not you wanted to hear, but I’m just trying to be as honest as I can.</p>
<p>Phenomenal SAT out of 1600 (CR/M), but a GPA that would be kinda low if it wasn’t weighted…That’s a two pipe problem, Sherlock. Right a BALLA essay and coast in with the personality card</p>
<p>I honestly think you have a great shot at Cornell. Honestly since I know you, you’re kind of lazy and you should’ve done more in-school extra curricular activities, but your ping-pong and singing is excellent, so I think you need to try to contact the school and tell them about your achievement and see if they’d want you for singing or pingping.</p>
<p>It’s impossible to comment on GPA without putting it into the context of the school it comes from. A 3.7 would be val at some schools and not even top 25% at others.</p>
<p>If your 3.7 is at least top 10%, you’re in the running. If it’s below that it will be much harder.</p>