Very Very Important Pls read

<p>Please do a favor for every Hokie by voting for Virginia Tech
Its the best college to come to btw
Open this site and before voting open multiple tabs and then submit the vote.
http://​​spring<em>collegiate</em>showdown.jsp?​vspromo=pn<em>bottom</em>feat<em>collegi​ate</em>showdown_120314 </p>


<p>Show some spirit guys, we came second last year too
it should be ours this time</p>

<p>if tht didnt work
[PINK</a> Nation®](<a href=“]PINK”>The Collective - Victoria's Secret)</p>

<p>Virginia Tech won!</p>

<p>Votes were sent from our way…but what is this party? Did I vote for an underwear party?</p>

<p>Ha ha! It looks pretty tame from looking at the video online from last year’s party at University of Illinois in October. But seems like maybe a model or two shows up.Just one more competition/ voting type thing to add to school spirit!</p>

<p>WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!! I’m so excited for this concert next year you guys! Past winners have had Drake and Kid Cudi. Can’t wait for this party!</p>

<p>Congratulations! Hope you guys end up getting somebody great like Drake! That is pretty exciting. Sounds like the party will be fun.</p>