Veteran transfer chances?

Hey everyone, I applied as a transfer student in July for the spring 2016 semester with engineering mechanics as the intended major. I have completed 30 semester hours online towards an electrical engineering degree with a 3.7 GPA with all A’s in calculus 1,2 and physics. I also have 49 semester hours completed towards my Associates in Applied Sciences for aircraft maintenance (although most of those credits will not transfer since they are occupational). I’m definitely a non-traditional student; I have been in the Air Force for 8 years and have deployed multiple times for Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Inherent Resolve, so I hope my experiences will help me gain admission. I think the main thing that will hold me back will be my high school transcripts. I honestly don’t even remember what my GPA was but it wasn’t very good, MAYBE a 2.0 at best.
What would you rate my chances of acceptance?

Have you seen this? There is also a link for questions.

Thanks Madison85, I have seen that actual and have already gone through the application process. But since it seems like the majority of spring transfers found out in December of last year I’m kind of just curious if I have a decent chance of getting accepted or not. I’ve also applied at UW-Milwaukee as a backup, but right now I’m kind of in limbo and can’t really move back to WI until I figure out which city I’ll be moving to.

I would suggest just calling Admissions and simply explaining your situation (veteran, need an idea of when you will find out since you need time to relocate back to Madison before Spring semester) to see if you can get any info on a timeline.

I think that GPA in recent coursework is looked at as a better indication of academic ability for transfers than a long-ago low high school GPA.

Thank you for your service and best of luck to you!

Don’t worry at all about your HS grades- you have proven you can do college work. I presume you met the foreign language requirement- 2 years HS/2 years college listed on the link above. Good luck.

Thank you guys!