Villanova Early Decision for Fall 2022 Admission

DS22 deferred. Somewhat surprised. Much better profile than ED admits from his school and neighboring schools.
GPA: 4.0 UW, usual honors and AP classes
Rank: School does not rank
SAT: 1570 (one sitting)
Top public high school in the North East.

DS22 deferred. 1510/34, 11APs and 4.0 UW / 4.5 W at catholic hs. Lots of ECS and varsity athlete. Was surprised but it’s a weird year.

Son deferred A&S- 1420 SAT/720 Math. 3 sports, volunteer hours and leadership. Any chance decisions will come earlier than 4/1?

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D22 Accepted to Business ACT 35, 3.97 UW, 4.69 W

Son accepted, BIology. Test optional. 3.68 UW/3.86 W.

Midwest boarding school so unique leadership opportunities - Head Residential Advisor, President of Residence Hall Council among others including 2 year varsity captain

(For reference, middle 50%ile GPA at his school is 3.40 to 3.87; weighted 3.44 to 4.07)

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Denied VSB
4.0 weighted
1510 SAT
Varsity sport, DECA, Volunteering and summer jobs.

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Congrats to all accepted, thanks to all who shared their stats and good luck to everyone.

After reading these comments, my daughter is too afraid to check! Some of these kids that were denied had near perfect stats and activities. I fear this system is going to break this generation. It’s all too much.


Deferred A&S
4.0 UW, 98.2 W, 1520 SAT (720R/800M), 11 APS, good ecs and such, LEGACY, competitive public hs in NY metro area
Very unexpected. Is Nova known to yield protect high stat students?

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Accepted into Business
12 APs
1400 SAT (didn’t submit)
Average Essay
4.0 UW
strong ecs

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S22 admitted EA and to neuro major. 1570 SAT, NMF, 4.0 UW, currently tied for val.

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D22 deferred business
1490, 4.0 unweighted, 10 APs

Daughter deferred VSB 4.1 GPA. Lots of EC’s, strong essays, Varsity lax captain, solid recommendations. Not surprised

Son accepted VSB. 1510 SAT. 4.4 GPA. 2 varsity sports and strong leadership.

Sometimes. Your geographic area doesn’t help you either unfortunately.

Deferred. Arts & Sci. 35 superscore (34 composite) 4.68 W. 7 APs, numerous weighted honors classes, National Honor, Society, Spanish Honor Society, numerous academic school awards, recipient of 2 academic scholarships to the high school. Top of class gpa at competitive catholic school in large Midwest city - other kids have gone to Nova from this school recently. Large amount of leadership, varsity sport. Many ECs including student govt. class President 3 of 4 years. Another crazy year in college admissions!


deferred EA business
catholic augustinian school w/ close ties to Nova
3.89 UW, 4.57 W, 30 ACT (test-optional)
Strong essays and recs, 6 APs
Lots of comm. service, super involved, president & officer postions in 5 of 10 clubs
-everyone i know from my school who applied here got deferred :frowning:

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Son Deferred from CLAS. 1550 Sat (780 v and 770 math in one sitting). UW 4.0 (99.08 out of 100. Went up to 99.26 after 1st q senior year). Lots of APs and community service. 2 sport varsity athlete. Club soccer. Editor of school paper. Pres of clubs. Natl awards etc. Prestigious catholic school.
3 kids with lower stats from his school all got in ED. DOUBLE LEGACY. Maybe yield protection?? 3 He considered ed2 to BC and Washu and chose Washu. Now waiting. Thoughts on chances?

Son accepted. (4.0, 1/120 class rank, varsity sport, 2 year captain, good EC’s, community service, work and LOR’s, etc) Other schools he has been accepted to have given merit scholarships with acceptance letter. Just curious if anyone received merit?