Virginia Tech BIT Major ED Chances

Hi, I’m a senior in HS. I have a 3.96 GPA weighted. I have a 1230 SAT (650 Math 580 Reading). APs I’ve taken/Taking: AP World I, APUSH, AP Bio, AP Lang, AP Lit, AP Psych, AP Calc AB, APES. My extra curriculars are: Freshman and Varsity Football Team, FBLA, Young Democrats, Medical Club, etc. I also work as a cashier. I am a first generation college student from Asia. I am applying Early Decision for VT for the BIT major. I have also enrolled in 6 DE courses at the local community college last year. I am wondering what my chances are. I am also in state. Thank you!

bump… I got deferred ED but wondering ab RD

I applied for BIT RD as my second choice major. I believe you have a solid chance with your stats. Just like me, I believe you are an average to a slightly above average candidate for this program.

@sj3412 thank you, I’m just worried that it will be very competitive this year cause all I’m seeing is people applying to BIT and engineering majors choosing that as a backup leaving me to wonder if i won’t be able to stack up



Dude what are you looking for someone to say? Relatively speaking your stats are in the ballpark, that’s all anyone can say. No one here can give you a percent chance or anything. Your summary looks good, but it’s definitely a competitive process. Best of luck!

@Kpanther, Just my 2 cents…don’t really know as not a VT grad or had a kid attend…is that you have a really good chance for RD. The only thing seems lacking is the SAT score a little low. If you can look at the VT Admissions web page, maybe they talk about how much they weight all things other than GPA/SAT/classes taken. If extracurriculars, family history, etc are what they’d like to see for a well-rounded student, you’d be a perfect candidate. Good luck!

@Kpanther , I looked really quickly and go to this site:

It lists lots of other things supposably the admissions counselors look for in applicants. Many seem to fit you well.

@x2018x thank you I was just sorta curious as to what they weighed more than others that’s why I was making the thread. Thank you so much!