Virginia tech chances

<p>Gpa is roughly 90.
Sat is 1900 ( 740 math 550 cr 610 writing)
I plan on taking it again in october.
I'm going to take my sat 2 in november. </p>

<p>Played football throughout highschool. 2 year jv 2 year varsity.
Wrestled throughout highschool as well. 2 year jv and 2 year varsity.
I have atleast 40 community service hours.
I was in 2 clubs throughout highschool. </p>

<p>How can I boost my chances?</p>

<p>What major are you trying to get into? In-state or out of state? And by 90 for your GPA is that mostly A’s? </p>

<p>What I would recommend for boosting your chances is try the ACT. Your SAT scores are good (especially Math) but I took the ACT on whim, literally signed up the last day you could. I liked the test better and I know that for instance you do not do as well on ACT Math but your ACT reading is a 36, Tech will mix-and-match scores from both SAT and ACT.</p>

<p>Other than that, do not slack off on your senior year (or at least for the first semester). </p>

<p>Best of luck!</p>

<p>Check out this page from the Vt website and compare yourself to the latest freshman class for your intended major. </p>

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