Virginia Tech Chances...

Hey guys, I am getting stressed about college (Chemistry is killing me…). My first college of choice right now is VT, so I was wondering what my chances are. I am not sure which major to decide on, but it will not be Eng/Arch. It will be STEM focused, however. I am a junior as well.

GPA: 3.9, I believe I can get a 4.5ish senior year.
SAT: 2000, will retake soon!
EC: As far as I know, VT focuses on ECs less than most schools. I got basic Key Club, Track, Chess club, robotics, Spanish/Science/Math honor societies.
AP classes: World History, US history, english language, chemistry, Physics 1

Next year classes: AB calc, ap biology, ap spanish, ap physics C
One thing to keep in mind is that I reside in NoVa. Should I apply ED? I looked at a lot of VT chances threads but being NoVa seems to make it a struggle from what I read. Thanks.

Get a SAT score above 2100 and you’re in for sure.
You’re probably in with those stats too, though.

Chance Back?

You guys are both screwed…Jk, but if you don’t get in, go to community college and do Guranteed Admission

You have a great chance! I’m attending Virginia Tech next year and I was in a similar position, 3.99GPA 1990 SAT, am from NOVA and was accepted during the regular decision cycle to the college of science. If you chose to apply during either ED or regular, I am almost certain that you’d be accepted. The only reason you may be denied or waitlisted would be that you neglect to do the essays or don’t send teacher recommendations. If this is at helpful I ended the year with a 4.5ish GPA and had straight A’s through the admissions cycle (may have helped my chances, not really sure though). If you have any other questions feel free to send me a message!