Virginia Tech Class of 2025 — Decision Release Date: Mar 1-15

My OOS kid is not really interested in football and sports, but academically VT is a great fit and he liked the campus when we visited. He is choosing between VT and another school. He is social and likes to get out and do things, but concerned that most weekends are centered around sports. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.

Home game weekends are about football simply because the town fills up with fans, but otherwise it’s not imperative and he can find what he wants to do. Is he outdoorsy? Lots to do on that front.

Thanks for the reply. Yes he loves hiking, camping, skiing etc. And he also likes movies, gaming, eating out… lots of stuff -except he’s never been a sports fan for some reason!

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Plenty of hiking, camping, tubing/kayaking opportunities relatively nearby and with the coming year looking “normal” I would anticipate Venture Out ramping up their activities (this is an on campus org that offers trips, etc. - in the past they’ve done caving, rock climbing, canoeing, etc.). It’s likely he will get coerced into attending a football game, and there’s a much better than average chance he will become a fan.


Yes that’s what I keep telling him - he may end up liking it! All the outdoor adventures sound great.

Forgot to mention - there is also a drone park, rope challenge course and rec sports has expanded to include some E-sports. Tons of clubs too. You really have to try hard to not find ways to occupy your free time.

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I will likely be withdrawing my admission to VTech early this week! To any waitlist student majoring in Biological Sciences, I hope this creates an opportunity for you! I wish everyone the best future!!


Anyone got off the waitlist for University studies (undecided)? Or is there anyone got accepted to university studies (undecided) that is not attending tech? I am currently waitlisted for that major and would love to get in. I’ve been waiting since Early decision

Hilariously skewed admissions. Proves it is a joke. Son’s HS classmate waitlisted at Tech, admitted to Harvard. Another of his friends (URM), admitted to Pamplin with a 3.2 GPA 2 AP classes and didn’t submit scores. (All Same NOVA HS) His plan was VCU if he could even get in. He couldn’t believe it. My son has now turned into a cynic about URM admissions. What a shame. FYI Tech has waitlisted 15,000 this year (6700 total openings)

Looks like the year on / off cycle continues. Very few came off waitlist from whats shown here. How did you find out how many were waitlisted?

We see evidence of yield protection every year on these threads, which is really sad if those strong students want to attend VT (not to mention how sad for their families to get the additional financial hit if they end up at a high caliber university OOS). I know people like to say ‘it’s not just about the numbers’ but I don’t buy into the idea that high stat kids don’t write good essays or aren’t heavy hitters in many other areas too. It’s a shame.

As far VT admissions in general, they brought in a lot of new people about 4 years ago. Previous to that, VT had its own app, and the essay questions were things like ‘Why do you want to be a Hokie?’ The admissions people back then had been there for years and seemed to really appreciate applicants who felt strongly about VT. Many of the newer people (and this extends to the many new administrators throughout the university) have no ties to VT or the area, and came in to pursue the standard goals of increased apps, lower acceptance rates, more diversity, etc. It’s been a bit of a mess ever since. They started accepting the coalition app and came up with the new hyper-short (and poorly written) ‘essays’, and had the horrible over-admission of 2019. The talking points at the time were about how great VT is and that’s why so many people said yes. Nope, it was a new admissions team blowing it on predicting yield. The next year they went super conservative on numbers and pulled a lot off the waitlist because of that and the pandemic hitting. Then this year they started accepting the common app, so the whole process is up in the air again. At some point I hope they will have their act together and will do a better job of managing the process beyond just chasing application numbers. I actually don’t think the admissions team represents the heart and soul of the university, but it’s what we have at the moment. (And don’t get me wrong, I love VT and all 3 of my kids were accepted there, so I have no personal grudge.)


The on and off cycle has been broken. Let’s see how many people they will admit off the waitlist this year. 15,000 people have been offered a place on the waitlist however it is unknown how many people accepted the offer of the waitlist. Last year 10k people were offered a place on the waitlist and only 6k accepted that offer. Afterwards 4K people got admitted off the waitlist that year. I get the feeling that a lot of people will be pulled from the waitlist this year for tech as well due to the amount of people who are still waitlisted at other schools like UVA , JMU, and other schools outside the state like umich. There will be a lot of movement this month and possibly in June

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I just read a post that said not to expect much waitlist movement at Michigan.

Im still shaking my head about my son on the waitlist. I know engineering is competitive but he has a 1430 SAT, strong extracurriculars, etc. We are a military family living overseas - he has moved every 2 years on average but considered Blacksburg his hometown after attending 1-3rd grade there while his dad got a PhD. We all thought VT was a good fit and were even considered retiring in the community. I know there are probably many just as accomplished (and likely more so) who didn’t get in but it still hurts a bit. My son has moved on and is excited about the University of Florida. Just needed one last vent about disappointment. Good luck to all of you in the future.


You’d be shocked at some of the 1500+ kids who get waitlisted. Which elementary school?? Mine was at Kipps :slight_smile:

Yes, I know many others had better stats, hopefully they have other great choices…just having one last moment of disappointment for what we had pictured as he moves on to something else that will be even better.

He was at GLE, we loved our time there.

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I completely understand. Sometimes it takes awhile to make the mental adjustment away from something they really wanted. Good luck to him!

It may have been the parents who are more disappointed! Although the significantly cheaper cost of attendance (free tuition for his stats) cushions the blow a good deal. :wink:

Just got an email saying I was rejected to tech. Good luck to everyone