Virginia Tech Medical School welcomes Charter Class

<p>Accepted: 42
Waitlist: 50
Invited for Interview: 220 (roughly 13% "acceptance" rate)
Applied: 1650
MCAT: 30-42...All scores are in the Top 12% in the country</p>

<p>Undergraduate Institutions include:Virginia Tech, University of Virginia, College of William and Mary, Washington and Lee University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Wake Forest University, Georgetown University, Johns Hopkins University, Northwestern University, The Ohio State University, University of Michigan, and Harvard University.</p>

<p>Looks great for Virginia Tech. Hopefully this research and attraction of top students will spill over to our science programs for the undergraduate student body.</p>

<p>News</a> Story | Virginia Tech News | Virginia Tech</p>

<p>It’s one of my goals to try to get into the med school after I get my biology degree with the pre-med track; looks like a tough road though, lol. Guess its more motivation for me to study.</p>

<p>My hope is that this is just an experiment and they end up seeing how great of an impact it has on the region and the top students it attracts; hopefully a merger with VCOM and a takeover of Montgomery Regional could happen to get it to MCV or UVA like structure.</p>