Virginia Tech or Brandeis?

Hello! I was wondering if I could get different opinions about this. I was admitted to Brandeis University and their International Business Scholars Program where I could get my bachelors and masters in 5 years. I was also admitted to Tech for engineering. Pretty much my choices are down to those two; however Brandeis(46k) is two times more expensive than tech’s in-state tuition(23k). I’m not sure if it’s worth it or not. I would only go to Tech for engineering, but I’m not quite sure if I want to do engineering. Would it be worth the investment if I chose the business route at Brandeis?

Go to Virginia Tech, then use the extra $100,000 for the graduate school of your choice or for a down payment on a home.

If you have enough cash to pay for Brandeis without wiping out your savings, then go where your heart desires. If 46K a year will cause financial hardship on your parents, or you have to take out loans, don’t do it. Brandeis is a fine college in the northeast, but not sure it is so well known beyond that. Unless money is no object you are making a better financial decision for your future to go with the instate tuition. My niece chose an expensive private college and now can’t afford her wedding or to buy a house with her fiance who also took out loans for a private college.

Also, dont limit Tech to engineering. I’m in the financial field and I have many business associates in the brokerage houses who are VT alumni.

I like the Brandeis option if you can really confirm there is a good possibility of good paying jobs available after you graduate. Otherwise, Engineering @ VT might be the better option because finding a job should be relatively easy. But, one thing, and this is very important. VT Engineering is no calk walk, so if your heart isn’t into it, maybe Brandeis is better option after all.

Why not go to Tech for business? If you think you can pass through VT engineering without caring about the material you will end up with a GPA that will Not support your graduate school ambitions. Study what you are passionate about. As in-state, Tech, UVA and W&M all offer business school options including graduate programs.