Virginia tech RD chance?

Hey guys,
I got deferred from vt early decision. My ACT score is 25, my GPA is 3.73, I live in NOVA. I have A’s and B’s this year (I’m taking 2 APs and 1 Dual enrollement). Overall, I took 4 AP including this year. Do you think I can get into regular decision?

What’s your preferred major?

@collegegalz Neuroscience!

I think you still have a chance, however, the college of science is still somewhat competitive… keep your chin up!! You never know what might happen! If I were you tho, I would still apply to other schools that you feel equally comfortable attending for backups. I’m applying as well for engineering, best of luck to you!!! :slight_smile:

Thank you very much! I wish you all the best :slight_smile: @collegegalz

See my comments here -

You cannot do much about your GPA or class load/type you took at this point.

But you could take additional tests to see if you can pull up your ACT scores or even take the SAT. Higher test scores will make you more competitive, especially since your are from NOVA. In state and from NOVA are not in your favor as far as I am concerned.

You have time to take the tests and then determine if you want to send the scores. If you are not sure if you should send scores blindly you can wait and see what the scores are, then spend the few extra $$ to send your scores.

I took the ACT and SAT a couple times, I can’t get a higher score :confused: I looked at their website and their range is 17-36 which isn’t specific at all @comtech

In order to get higher scores, you need to take practice tests, study and one major thing is time management and understanding on the new SAT you are not penalized for wrong answers. So if you are slow, which you should not be, with 5 minutes left, you then need to mark all answers in the test with at least a guess, then hopefully you will have time to read and try to properly answer all the questions you guessed on.

Big mistake people get hung on 1 question. You need to spend only a specific amount of time, make a guess, mark the answer sheet or the booklet is some way so you know what questions to circle back around to and rethink and double check the answer(s). You MUST have a watch so you can monitor the time. I have heard a few cases where the proctor read the instruction AFTER timer was started and did not give a 5 minute warning, just a pencils down. The proctors are not your friends!

You also need to see what test you are better at/score higher on. You may want to focus on the test you seem to do better on.

Also do not stress at all on the next test. The objective is to score higher, but go in with the attitude that you want to do well but it does not matter overall. Sometimes in a low stress situation you will score higher.

Good luck.

Thank you very much! @comtech