Virginia Tech SAE Team

I am interested in doing formula SAE electric in college, and Virginia Tech is one of very few schools that has that option. Looking at their website, it seems like the SAE team is only open to mechanical engineers. Can someone confirm or deny this? Thanks.

Just to clarify, I am thinking about majoring in aerospace or ocean engineering, which seem pretty similar to mechanical.

Why not contact the engineering department directly? I’m sure they would be happy to provide you with all the details you need.

It is in the College of Engineering so you would need accepted in the college of Engineering would be the assumption as is the case with the various engineering options at VT.

I always like to look at the check sheets to see the classes you will be taking



Might not be on your list of school, but my son is on the team at Purdue and it is open to all engineering students. He loves both Purdue and being a member of the Purdue Electric Racing Team.