Virginia Tech transfer Fall 2014 Chance?

<p>I am a VCCS student trying to transfer to Virginia Tech for the fall of 2014. I am applying for Hospitality and Tourism Management major in the Pamplin of College. Here are my details:
Legacy- Sister
CUM GPA- 3.67
Played soccer for college team
Strong statement
Letter of Recommendation
Everything I have taken has been following the transfer guide on the Virginia Tech page.
Applied for Priority review (An option community college students have to hear a decision by the first week of February)</p>

<p>Fall 2012</p>

<p>College Composition 1 - B
United States History 1 – A
College Success Skills – A</p>

<p>Spring 2013</p>

<p>Principles Accounting 1 – A
Principles of Public Speaking – A
College Composition 2 – B</p>

<p>Summer 2013</p>

<p>General Biology 1 – B
Principles of Accounting 2 – A
Principles of Hospitality Management – A</p>

<p>Fall 2013</p>

<p>General Biology 2 – B
History Western Civilization 1 – A
Precalc – A
Principles of Psychology – A</p>

<p>Spring 2014</p>

<p>Principles of Macroeconomics
United States History 2
Mythology literature & Arts
Applied Calculus</p>

<p>Summer 2014</p>

<p>Principles of Microeconomics
Probability and Statistics for Business and Econom</p>

<p>Hey! I think you have a great chance! I got just got accepted to Virginia Tech for the Fall 2014. Tech mainly wants to see that you have done most of your general education classes and a gpa of at least 3.0. If you’ve got that , then your pretty much in. Being a vccs student is a plus too! good luck!</p>

<p>Hey thanks! Congrates on getting into tech! Are you a transfer or a freshman?</p>