Visit Berkeley?

<p>Okay I am trying to transfer to Haas and I was wondering...</p>

<p>I got into the Northern California College tour which takes students to UCSD,POMONA,UCSB,and UCB.</p>

<p>The problem is that we have to go to all of those in less than 5 days, meaning that we stay at a hotel and everything is free (expect for food I think)...the only school I want to see is Berkeley and that is on the last day and I live 5 hours from it so should I go with the trip?</p>

<p>If I go and ask questions will I get a lot more help about trasnfering instead of asking my college?</p>

<p>I dont want to waste my time.</p>

<p>it seems odd that 3 out of the 4 schools on the Northern California College tour are in Southern California.</p>

<p>Who runs this trip?</p>