Visiting Campus?

<p>I will be visiting campus in less than two weeks now (September 19-23) and am starting to panic a little - I have no idea who to contact about setting up appointments, etc. I am scheduled to take a campus tour and I have a meeting with Seth Panitch (I have no idea why, my father set it up without telling me).</p>

<p>Long story short, I have questions about the possibility of a minor, the honors college, and housing. Who should I contact?</p>

<p>It is great to hear that you will be able to visit.
We can help you better if you provide some additional info.
Are you a current HS junior or senior? Is this your first visit to the university? How long will you be in Tuscaloosa? Are you an in-state or an out of state student? Will you be applying for scholarships and the Honors College? Who is Seth? Is he your local recruiter or someone located on campus?</p>

<p>Find out the details of the visit that your dad has set up. Ask him if he has contacted the following person ( if you are a prespective Honors College student). Supply the following info which will insure that you get the best possible tour; your likely major, stats ACT/SAT/GPA, and NMSF status.
Since you already have a campus tour scheduled, check with Allison (Honors Recruitment) and see if she set the tour up. Let Allison know what you would like to see and if you would like to sit in on a class.</p>

<p>Honors Recruitment
Allison Verhine
269 Nott Hall
<a href=“”></a></p>

<p>I found this about Seth Panitch:


<p>[Department</a> of Theatre and Dance|| Faculty/Staff](<a href=“]Department”></p>

<p>Yes, I see from another thread that you are already accepted. Congratulations!! Check with your dad about the details and see what he already has scheduled. Have you applied to the Honors College yet? </p>

<p>I hope that you have a great visit, please let us know if we can help.</p>

<p>I have not yet applied to the Honors College - I haven’t decided if I want to or not yet (hence why I’d like to speak to someone about what being in the Honors College entails - this is more for my father than myself - he doesn’t trust the Internet and would rather speak to someone in person). </p>

<p>The only thing my dad has scheduled is this appointment with Professor Panitch - my major will be Theatre on the Design/Tech track. No interest in acting whatsoever, which is why I am confused as to what the point of this meeting is. I asked my father why he had scheduled it and what he wanted to come out of it, and all he can really tell me is “It’s so you can ask questions about the theatre program.” But I don’t have any questions about the theatre program…so I really don’t understand what I am supposed to do in this meeting.</p>

<p>Hi Emtrip!
One of the many benefits of being in the Honors College is the “priority” registration. Definitely a benefit. It doesn’t cost anything extra to be in the Honors College either as it does at some schools.</p>

<p>Another major benefit is the ability to live in the Honors Super suites. Although you can choose the non-honors super suites as well.</p>

<p>Here’s the fall 2012 list of when you could register. Note the “honors” priority registration times.</p>

<p>For example: If you are registering for your Spring semester and have no AP or dual enrolled courses, you would register as if you have Zero hours. (The hours you took in fall term would not be completed by the time you register for Spring.) So you will register as an Honors College student on March 23rd at 2pm. If you are not in honors then you would register on April 6th at 7am. See? RTR!!</p>

<p>MAR 19 7:00 AM Graduate Students
MAR 20 7:00 AM Students with priority registration and Distance Learning students
with greater than or equal to 120 earned hours
MAR 20 11:00 AM Students with priority registration and Distance Learning students
with greater than or equal to 105 earned hours
MAR 20 2:00 PM Students with priority registration and Distance Learning students
with greater than or equal to 90 earned hours
MAR 21 7:00 AM Students with priority registration and Distance Learning students
with greater than or equal to 80 earned hours
MAR 21 11:00 AM Students with priority registration and Distance Learning students
with greater than or equal to 70 earned hours
MAR 21 2:00 PM Students with priority registration and Distance Learning students
with greater than or equal to 60 earned hours
MAR 22 7:00 AM Students with priority registration and Distance Learning students
with greater than or equal to 50 earned hours
MAR 22 11:00 AM Students with priority registration and Distance Learning students
with greater than or equal to 40 earned hours
MAR 22 2:00 PM Students with priority registration and Distance Learning students
with greater than or equal to 30 earned hours
MAR 23 7:00 AM Students with priority registration and Distance Learning students
with greater than or equal to 20 earned hours
MAR 23 11:00 AM Students with priority registration and Distance Learning students
with greater than or equal to 10 earned hours
MAR 23 2:00 PM Students with priority registration and Distance Learning students
with greater than or equal to 0 earned hours
MAR 26 7:00 AM Students with greater than or equal to 135 earned hours
MAR 26 11:00 AM Students with greater than or equal to 125 earned hours
MAR 26 2:00 PM Students with greater than or equal to 117 earned hours
MAR 27 7:00 AM Students with greater than or equal to 110 earned hours
MAR 27 11:00 AM Students with greater than or equal to 105 earned hours
MAR 27 2:00 PM Students with greater than or equal to 100 earned hours
MAR 28 7:00 AM Students with greater than or equal to 95 earned hours
MAR 28 11:00 AM Students with greater than or equal to 90 earned hours and
Students with class code of “PG” or “IP”
MAR 28 2:00 PM Students with greater than or equal to 84 earned hours
MAR 29 7:00 AM Students with greater than or equal to 79 earned hours
MAR 29 11:00 AM Students with greater than or equal to 75 earned hours
MAR 29 2:00 PM Students with greater than or equal to 70 earned hours
MAR 30 7:00 AM Students with greater than or equal to 65 earned hours
MAR 30 11:00 AM Students with greater than or equal to 60 earned hours
MAR 30 2:00 PM Students with greater than or equal to 55 earned hours
APR 02 7:00 AM Students with greater than or equal to 50 earned hours
APR 02 11:00 AM Students with greater than or equal to 46 earned hours
APR 02 2:00 PM Students with greater than or equal to 42 earned hours
APR 03 7:00 AM Students with greater than or equal to 38 earned hours
APR 03 11:00 AM Students with greater than or equal to 32 earned hours
APR 03 2:00 PM Students with greater than or equal to 25 earned hours
APR 04 7:00 AM Students with greater than or equal to 20 earned hours
APR 04 11:00 AM Students with greater than or equal to 17 earned hours
APR 04 2:00 PM Students with greater than or equal to 15 earned hours
APR 05 7:00 AM Students with greater than or equal to 14 earned hours
APR 05 11:00 AM Students with greater than or equal to 13 earned hours
APR 05 2:00 PM Students with greater than or equal to 10 earned hours
APR 06 7:00 AM Students with greater than 0 earned hours
APR 06 11:00 AM Students with No Hours and First Letter of Last Name from A-L
APR 06 2:00 PM Students with No Hours and First Letter of Last Name from M-Z</p>

<p>emtripped - definitely apply to the Honors College. I can’t think of a downside. It gives you priority registration, the opportunity to live in Honors housing and the opportunity to do Alabama Action or Outdoor Action, which are fabulous programs that introduce students to the University, the community and other new students through a service-learning course. And of course you can take honors courses and participate in honors college activities. The requirements are not overwhelming, and if you try it and for some reason can’t fit in the requirements or don’t want to continue, you don’t have to.</p>

<p>I second all the above opinions, fill out the Honors College application. As long as you meet the requirements:
What are the qualifications for being admitted to the Honors College?</p>

<p>Entering freshmen with ACT scores of at least 28 or SAT scores of at least 1250 (verbal and quantitative) and at least a 3.30 high school GPA are invited to apply to the Honors College. Upon receipt of their applications, all National Merit Finalists and National Achievement Finalists are admitted automatically. Students will be notified of their acceptance by mail.</p>

<p>There really is no downside.</p>

<p>You don’t have to have applied to the Honors College in order to contact Allison to have her set up your day.</p>

<p>That said, there are MANY advantages to being in the honors college, priority registration is a BIGGIE!</p>

<p>Send her an email, tell her:</p>

<p>Your stats
Your major
The date and time of your campus tour
the time that you’re meeting with that professor
tell her that you want to speak to someone in Honors about what it’s all about.
anything else that you’d want to see.</p>