Visiting MIT

<p>What should I do to prepare for it?</p>

<p>Also, I am not sure if it is a good idea to bring some gift to them.
because I like art, and I want to either draw or make something for adimissions officials, but I don't want them to take it differently,</p>

<p>Read the MIT website, make a note of anything you might need to ask questions about in the info session or tour, think about whether you'd like to sit in on any classes or schedule an overnight, and go with an open mind. Look around while you're there, ask questions of helpful students hanging around campus, and get away from your parents for a little while to get the feel of the place, if you can.</p>

<p>Do not bring gifts for the admissions officers. Save demonstrations of your visual art talent for your application package.</p>


<p>Yeah, I went to one of MIT sessions, and I talked to one of them for a long time.</p>

<p>She was very nice lady, and I almost held her for 30 minutes after sessions over to ask questions.</p>

<p>Then, I e-mailed her a couple of times to ask for things and she recognized me and very nice.</p>

<p>Should i thank her and bring stuff? Or can I bring a big thing for whole admissions general?</p>

<p>Also, I am submitting my art portfolio as well.</p>

<p>Thank you so much!!</p>