Visiting the U

<p>I plan on taking a long road trip down to Miami next weekend so I can attend the open house and familiarize myself before I move down in January. I was wondering if they would allow me to rent a room where I could stay a night or two. I know some schools will let students do this. It's a 21 hour drive for me and theirs no way I could drive there and drive right back to New York all in one weekend. If they would let me stay in any kind of vacant room I would be more then happy to do that rather then pay extra money for a hotel room. I have already been accepted and I've paid my tuition deposit.</p>

<p>I doubt this is offered but you could contact admissions to ask if this is a possibility. More likely you will need a local hotel. Here is the website that shows which hotels in the area offer discounts for UM: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
Congrats on your acceptance and enjoy your trip.</p>