"Visiting" Unifieds in your junior year?

Son and I attended a performing & visual arts college fair this weekend in Chicago, and saw many colleges in our attempt at create a college list. During the day he wondered if he should just go to Unifields and observe the hallways to get a feel for it before Sr. year. I think it may take the “mystery” away, and that’s about it. Thoughts? would exposure to the atmosphere be helpful (knowing if its loud, quiet,etc.)?

It’s loud.

Just kidding with the brief comment ;))

At the NY Unifieds, what he’d see is hallways filled with kids and parents, some warming up vocally or physically, or pacing while repeating their monologues under their breath. Some have a zen-like calm, some are freaking out (parents as well as kids).

If you live in/near Chicago and it would be easy to check things out I would say there is no reason not to. But I don’t think it would necessarily be worth traveling to do so

Basically you will just see crowds in hallways. Might see some college reps checking kids in. Not sure it would help much.

We didn’t check out a previous Unifieds, but we happened to be in Chicago about 6 months before Unifieds D’s year, so we walked around Palmer a bit so D could get a sense of what it looked like, the layout, etc. It was nice because it helped her visualize the auditions in that building a bit and it took away some of the unknown, but it wasn’t necessary, as she also did NY Unifieds, and that was her first time in those buildings.

I think it’d be beneficial to check it out if you’re close or in the area, anyway, but it is not necessary to go out of your way for it.

I recall reading that there may be things for non-seniors to participate in at Unifieds (maybe camp or pre-college auditions). I did not notice if that was the case but I was not looking for it, either. Anyone else recall that thread?