Visiting VT and Corps of Cadets

<p>Our son is VERY interested in VT and the Corps of Cadets. We have already attended an open house and son is scheduled for a spend-the-night with the Corps this fall. </p>

<p>Does admissions keep track of a prospective student's visits and use this information in the admissions process? Would it show one's enthusiasm for attending?</p>

<p>I've talked to a few people recently who don't plan to visit colleges until their child is accepted. That just seems odd to me.</p>

<p>Like most public universities VT doesn’t keep track of a student’s visit. </p>

<p>“few people recently who don’t plan to visit colleges until their child is accepted. That just seems odd to me”</p>

<p>That’s because it can become very expensive to visit every university a child is interested in. We visited a few but visited some on my D’s radar only after acceptance.</p>

<p>That makes sense, espeically if the school is not local.</p>

<p>Im pretty sure VT doesnt track whether or not you visit. I never visited before orientation and it didnt hurt me. Also, im a member of the corps. If you have any questions about that let me know.</p>

<p>When D2 and I visited last summer, we were told that her visiting the campus would be recorded. The admissions counselor we spent a few minutes with also said that if D2 registered at the VT booth in a college fair it would be recorded. The counselor’s comment was “It all helps.” </p>

<p>Having said that, D1 was accepted into both VT and the VT honors program without ever setting foot on campus or registering at a VT booth at a college fair.</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure that visiting the campus or participating in VT events makes no difference whatsoever in your application.</p>

<p>HOWEVER, I highly recommend visiting the school anyway (provided you don’t live extremely far away). As to when, if the trip is an easy one then come on by before your son even applies. Waiting until he’s accepted might be easier, however, because he will have a very good idea of which schools he is comparing it too. And he definitely needs to visit before making his final decision.</p>

<p>I was accepted to 7 universities, and was fully prepared to attend Ithaca when my dad convinced me to go visit Tech’s campus (from DC). After seeing the campus, speaking with students, and getting a taste of the community here in Blacksburg, I KNEW that this is where I would be happiest. I’m now a senior at Virginia Tech, and have loved every second of it.</p>

<p>We took son to the spend-the-night with the Corps, and he LOVED it. This was our second visit to Tech - we live 6 hours away. This visit was even more informative than the first since it was geared toward our son’s interests – Corps/NROTC and engineering. The last visit (last year) was a regular open house on a weekend, lots of visitors. This visit, it was nice to be on campus during the week (Thursday and Friday) to get a good feel for the campus during a normal school day. </p>

<p>I was so impressed with the cadets. We talked to several randomly on campus and they were EXTREMELY polite and very helpful.</p>

<p>Tech is officially my son’s absolute favorite school. I just pray he gets in . . . .</p>