Volunteer Work?

<p>What do they mean by volunteer work? Soup kitchens? I did research for my school and at a university near my house, does that count as volunteer work? I got community hours on my record for it.</p>

<p>did it serve the community?</p>

<p>If you got community hours, then it counts.</p>

<p>didn't your school require 24 hours to graduate?</p>

<p>My school requires 40.</p>

<p>absolute pity my school did not require us to do volunteer work. who started that idea?</p>

<p>Isn't volunteer work required for the IB programs?</p>

<p>if they require it, how is it volunteer?</p>

<p>i hate volunteers.</p>

<p>well they don't know if its required.
every high school has different policies on volunteer. like for mine, you have to do 30 or more hours to have it actually show up on your transcript.</p>