VT COE and honors program

<p>In the College of Engineering is there a big difference in the quality of education received depending on whether a student is/ is not in the honors program. Would a student that is not in the honors program be deprived of certain opportunities only given to honors program participants? </p>

<p>The reason I am asking is because daughter was not admitted to the honors program but was admitted to honors at another college. We are trying to decide between the two. </p>

<p>I’m an upcoming freshman, so I may not have the best answers, but I don’t think there are Major specific opportunities that she will miss out on. The Honors program does offer scholarships to it’s participants regardless of their major. As for COE, there may be GPA requirements but I doubt there are any opportunities contingent upon Honors standing. And don’t forget that she can apply for Honors at the end of Freshman year anyway. I’m sure if you browse the COE website and look at scholarship/internship opportunities, you’ll be able to see the requirements. I hope this helped some! Congrats on the acceptances and good luck! :)</p>

<p>I think the better question is… is not being in honors at VT different than being in honors at the other school. </p>

<p>@undercover007 I guess this is the question I am trying to answer.
At the other school she would get honors housing, priority registration, research opportunities, academic advising and mentoring, and also be part of the school apprenticeship program which affords internship opportunities to honors students. In a large school the honors program would provide a small school feel. Also since she has done research there already two summers she has already built relationships with the faculty and is being seeked out by the dept. At Virginia tech she would just be another engineering student. Is the tradeoff worth for the recognition of the program? She has also gotten into two other honors programs with scholarships. At virginia tech we are full pay instate. Though Virginia tech is considered the best engineering school instate it doesn’t have an bioengineering undergraduate program. She would have to pick another engineering concentration and then pursue bioengineering in her masters. Family members who I have spoken with are insisting that no matter what Virginia tech is the best choice and that there are no other options. So the question is that is it better to be a star at a smaller school with an honors program or go to big school and be in a sea of 1500 incoming freshman engineers. Where will she have opportunities to shine more and where will she have better job placement. Blacksburg is in the middle of now where and not easy to get to. </p>

<p>If she joins Hypatia, she’ll get the personal attention that you seem to want. Essentially its a living lerning community where the women live on the same floor, take the same general engineering classes, have a upperclassman as a mentor and an academic advisor. I know it made VT seem very small and accessible for my daughter. They take a leadership seminar as well that helps them with the recruiting process. A Hypatia connection lead directly to my daughter landing a fantastic internship. She is a junior and still lives with the friends she made first year at Hypatia. Great program.</p>

<p>@Bennnie Thanks, that was what I was considering. I think it might be a good idea to go this weekend to student admit day. We have never visited before. My daughter was invited for the Hypatia overnight stay. It seems like a nice program where female engineering students help each other out in a closenit setting. </p>

<p>I appreciate your sincere advice and your understanding of my concerns. (first and only child)</p>

<p>We are in a similiar boat but we are out of state. My daughter did not get into the Honors Program (still shaking my head over that one) at VT but did at JMU. We’ve heard nothing about scholarships from VT (again shaking my head) but did get an email from JMU about applying for ones specific to the Honors program. We have 2 weeks to make a decision and I have no idea what we are going to do. I will say this whole process has been disheartening for us. A kid with such high stats is completely overlooked for merit scholarships… We find ourselves asking why she worked so hard if it wasn’t going to matter…</p>

<p>I can touch on some of the points.</p>

<p>I don’t think Honors Housing is a big deal and even if I was in the school I would have just preferred to live in a regular dorm, just my preference.</p>

<p>Also, I know very little about research, but if she already has experience I feel like she could get involved especially since Tech is such a massive research institution. </p>

<p>And in terms of internships, the Engineering Expo is a great way to meet employers and get an internship. The Honors School looks good, but I seriously doubt that not being in it would limit you in getting an internship.</p>

<p>I would say seriously consider the other options based on the following: 1) VT does not have th major she wants. 2) Priority registration is a big issue (speaking from my brother’s experience with VT’s COE classes and how registration works (Junior in ME) 3) scholarship $ 4) guaranteed research at the other school 5) location, I love Blacksburg, but it is called “Bleaksburg” for a reason. All this is moot if VT is where her heart is however. Good luck, she will be wonderfull and successful wherever she lands.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone. This forum has been so helpful. I have heard that top companies come especially to recruit engineering graduates. The career placement is supposed to be great. She is hoping to find an area of interest after doing general engineering the first year.</p>

<p>All I can talk about is my DD1’s experience at VT and its been great. She had lots of opportunity to go elsewhere with scholarships but VT has worked out great and she hasn’t regretted her decision for one second. She loves the atmosphere, has never had a problem getting the classes she wants with possibly one exception, had a great internship last summer, 3 internship offers this year, including one from a very highly sought after global construction company. She’s been to an industry conference in LV (partially paid for by the school) and she’s going to another this weekend in Williamsburg (all paid by the school). She’s had opportunities for research but hasn’t taken them but several of her friends have been involved in research (including one in biomedical whose summer research grant after her first year sent her to UPenn and MIT for a short time). </p>

<p>DD2 has been accepted to COE as well and will join Hypatia, if she decides to go to VT. She didn’t bother with applying for Honors, DD1 never felt shorted by not being in Honors. </p>

<p>The Virginia tech forum has been really helpful. Really reflects well on the students that attend Virginia Tech.
Hope to visit this weekend and keep an open mind. </p>

<p>@Bennnie What area of engineering did you DD1 decide on? </p>

<p>DD1 is in civil engineering. DD2 will also be civil, whereever she decides to go. </p>

<p>My D is in Chem engineering at VT and honors program. She was all excited about honors program but really turned out to be a non-player for her at all. Only benefit is early registration. Engineering program is tough so maintaining the GPA is a real challenge – there is no break on it for the engineering students. As a sophmore has had two research projects, a summer internship and a fanastic co-op (there now) and now of it had anything to do with the honors program. Did not do Hypatia, but agree it is a good option. Engineering also has a great sorority (AOE) – girls are really active and love it.</p>

<p>Good luck to all - I know your daughters will have wonderful experiences at VT. It’s a great school and Hypatia is a very good program. My DD2 has decided tha,t as much as she knows VT is terrific, its not for her. She’s GTT - Gone to Texas - as they say. Hopefully their program for women engineers will be as positive as Hypatia.</p>