VT Engineering RD Chance??

<p>Hi, I was planning on applying to VT Engineering, Regular decision, trying to major in Comp Sci
Eligible for in-state</p>

<p>Weighted GPA: 3.67 (School doesn't give UW)
ACT Comp: 31
ACT Math: 33
ACT Eng: 31
ACT Writing: 8</p>

<p>9 AP's all throughout high school</p>

<p>AP Scores:
5 - Calculus BC
5 - Comp Sci
3 - World History
3 - Lang and Comp
2 - US History</p>

<p>Senior Schedule:
Multivariable Calculus/Matrix Algebra
AP Chem
AP Physics C: E&M
AP Psych
Advanced Programming
English 12 HN</p>

Volunteered at homeless shelters monthly for 5 years
Played drums for my church for all of high school twice a week
Volunteered at church events and services
Tutored elementary, middle, and high school students throughout school year for volunteer hours
Volunteered at free clinics as a Korean-English translator for the elderly
School's Bible Club leader for 2 years
Went to local software company to learn college level computer science in the summer
Recreational Soccer for 2 years, Travel Soccer for another 2.
Currently learning C++, HTML, and Ruby (self-taught)</p>

<p>Awards and Honors:
AP Scholar with Honors
President's Volunteer Service Award Bronze Level </p>

<p>How good are my chances for RD?</p>

<p>[Admissions</a> | Institutional Research & Effectiveness Home | Virginia Tech](<a href=“http://www.ir.vt.edu/work_we_do/demo_enroll/admission/studentAdmission.html]Admissions”>http://www.ir.vt.edu/work_we_do/demo_enroll/admission/studentAdmission.html)</p>

<p>This will give you a reference point by which to compare yourself to enrolled freshmen. It doesn’t give the entire picture of what Admissions may be looking at but its better than relying on the random guesses of strangers.</p>

<p>GPA will hold you back a bit since VT’s average is typically somewhere around the 4.0 area. ACT is great. VT Engineering looks for at least a 26 Math, so you’ve got that covered. The fact that you are in-state gives you a boost over OOS applications as long as you aren’t in Northern Virginia. </p>

<p>With your stats, you have a pretty good chance of getting in. Your extracurriculars and ACT should make you a very well rounded applicant and balance out your GPA. Keep in mind that if you are from NOVA, your chances of gaining admission will go down, but I don’t think it’ll hurt your chances too much. </p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>