Hey, I am relatively recent VT grad (couple years in EE, finished up in BC). Figured with all the acceptances going out if anyone has any questions about life at VT or anything along those lines feel free to shoot some over, hopefully some other students/grads can post answers as well.

Wow, @Hokie_gl32, this is very Ut Prosim of you. Thanks. I posted about this issue before, and we will have an opportunity to ask this at the upcoming accepted student day, but since you offer I will ask again. How easy/hard is it for kids in one school to take classes or a minor in a program in another school?

My D has been accepted in to School of Visual Art but is interested in digital art, animation, and game design. This is an area of art for which computer science is generally relevant and for which there are specific courses in the VT computer science program so we were wondering what the crossover possibilities are. More specifically, what if any is the relationship betwen SOVAa creative technology track and COE’s creative computing track?



Well, it looks like the checksheet for the minor is here. http://www.cs.vt.edu/undergraduate/minors and here are the requirements for the BFA (there are different options, so I hope this one is close, I am not super familiar with the arts program) https://registrar.vt.edu/content/dam/registrar_vt_edu/documents/Updates/caus/2019/caus_art_bfa_ctch_19.pdf.

Anyway, look at the BFA, and you will see the elective lib art requirements at the top - engineering classes are almost always area 4. The minor checksheet is 6 courses, so your daughter may be taking 4 extra courses. Look at the prereqs as well, if your daughter is in a lib arts program, she probably doesnt have to take the calc and other prereqs in her normal major curriculum, so these need to be tacked on as well. Luckily for you, I would imagine that there are plenty of people from both sides who want to get a little bit of the other curriculum experience for game design, so the advisers should have a good game plan to help you out.

There is also a video game design club that anyone can join - which should have a lot of people who can help her out as well. https://gobblerconnect.vt.edu/organization/gamingprojectatvt so she should definitely check that ou.

It doesnt appear (contact the CoE and double check) that the CE minor is restricted, so more than likely its just declaring the minor and having the appropriate prereqs done.

Hope this helps.

Thanks, really helpful. We hadn’t seen anything as detailed as the link to the CT curriculum. Seems right up my Ds alley.

@PhilipM haha I’d say my real value to anyone new to vt is just my experience navigating the Virginia Tech webpages.

@Hokie_gl32 Can you explain whats going on with CLE and Pathways? Is one being replaced by the other? Whats the difference?

@PhilipM I am on the CLE track - so I don’t know a ton about pathways. Anyway, it looks like a more “focused” version of just taking CLE courses, more like a theme. It also looks like you can make your own pathways plan with your adviser.


I would look at the above references.

@Hokie_gl32 Did you or your roommates on campus use a lockbox or laptop safe, or do you feel like the risk of theft is a little overstated? DSA has a lockbox/safe listed as recommended on their “what to bring” list.

@ShenVal18 it’s up to you. Every once in a while there’s an email about someone getting things taken from their room, maybe 4-5 times a semester, so chances of it happening to you is pretty low. I think a lockbox is kind of a waste since it’s not like you’ll be bringing some monster safe that someone can’t just walk off with. Basically, just be mindful and keep your room locked if no one is in it. A laptop metal wire lock could be a decent idea.